Krampus (2015) (Cloven)
list by diabolical dr voodoo

list by I.T.log

list by VierasTalo

Krampus (2015) Videos
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Delivers the freaky goods with confidence

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" 12 captured 4 men given coal for presents. 8 women given coal for presents Running time: 98 mins Captured: 12 Captures per average: 9.08 mins Golden candy cane: Jordan, who is swallowed by a toy clown. Sour candy cane: Aunt Dorothy Survivors: Max’s family? "

"Re-watch - Dec. 25th This year I got to share my annual tradition with the kiddo. Good news, she loved the film. And thus I can watch it with her each year from now on if she wants to see it."

"Re-watch - Dec. 25th My annual tradition continues. For whatever reason I deeply appreciated this film even more so this year."

"Que la pelicula comienza como una tipica comedia navideña da una advertencia de lo que viene, puesto a que no es una pelicula de terror sino una sátira a los dos géneros que se encuentran en la pelicula, esto se termina de ver cuando capturan a la tía y suena un efecto cómico, que te termina de decir que esta pelicula no se toma en serio."

"Re-watch - Dec. 25th Still keeping my annual tradition going with Krampus, and it's as much fun as it always has been."