Jurassic World (2015)
list by SchwarzerAbt

list by ToonHead2102

list by PvtCaboose91

list by PvtCaboose91

Jurassic World Videos
Cover art, photos and screenshots
Immersive dinosaur blockbuster
Has recycled elements but worth the 14 year wait.

Update feed

" 23 confirmed deaths 22 men 1 woman Animal deaths: Way too many dinosaur deaths. Most Dino Death: Vic Hoskins, whose needs a hand, after it’s chomped on by a Raptor. Most Dino moment: The Dino petting zoo. Running time: 124 mins Number of deaths: 23 Kills per average: 5.39 mins Most brutal death: Zara, who becomes flying Dino dinner. Least brutal death: 7 unnamed InGen Tech workers, who became Raptor chow. Survivors: Karen Mitchell, Scott Mitchell, Zach Mitchell, Grey Mitchell, Cl"

"17.4. Blu-ray Uusintakatselu. Uuden trilogian aloitus on hyvinkin pätevää kierrätyselokuvaa. Pienestä tiivistyksestä tai jostain kiinnostavasta lisäaspektista kyllä hyötyisi. Sillä on riittävästi uusia havaintoja oikeuttaaksen olemassaolonsa. Lähinnä, kuinka ihmiset ovat jo kyllästyneet tavallisiin dinosauruksiin. Erityisen hyväksi elokuvaksi Jurassic Worldiä ei sinänsä voi kutsua, sillä se on niin ilmeisen laskelmoitu kesä-blockbuster vailla omaa identiteettiä tai jotain"
Essentially unnecessary eye-candy...
“I only got around to watch the fourth installment in the "Jurassic Park" franchise about a year after it was released upon the world. Why? Well, after a steadily sloping series of movies, then I wasn't in any particular hurry to get around to watch the most recent of the movies, it being "Jurassic World".And now having seen it, I must admit that this was visually a beautiful movie. As was the first "Jurassic Park" movie back in 1993 when it was first released. And it did offer some adequate entertainment, for sure. But everything here had essentially been presented to the audience throughout the course of the three previous movies. Sure there was the thing with the Indominus Rex creation that stood out. But wasn't it just a twist on the gene manipulation and reproduction that essentially s” read more

" Directed by: Colin Trevorrow Produced by: Patrick Crowley, Steven Spielberg, Frank Marshall, Christopher Raimo, and Thomas Tull Written by: Rick Jaffa, Amanda Silver, Derek Connolly, and Colin Trevorrow Based on characters created by: Michael Crichton Cinematography: John Schwartzman Edited by: Kevin Stitt Music by: Michael Giacchino Distributed by: Universal Pictures"