Johnny English Strikes Again update feed

"A sequel no one asked for as Rowan Atkinson returns as the bumbling British spy, brought out of retirement to track down a computer hacker holding the British to ransom. While some of the set pieces are amusing as individual moments, as part of this they become a bore. Atkinson is a funny man but this material is pathetic and even Emma Thompson cannot save this mess. Time to put Johnny English to rest."

"8.10. Noloa ja tyhmää paskaa. Tökeryys ja typeryys eivät huvita, vaan puhtaasti vaivaannuttavat. Ohjaaja David Kerr ja elokuvan pääpahista näyttelevä Jake Lacy ovat kuristuneet napanuoriinsa pieninä."

" First Viewing Viewing Date: September 30th Via: Cinema Plot: After a cyber-attack reveals the identity of all of the active undercover agents in Britain, Johnny English is forced to come out of retirement to find the mastermind hacker. Rating: 6.6/10"

" Director: David Kerr Cinematographer: Florian Hoffmeister Other Images "