It: Chapter Two (2019)
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IT: Chapter Two
A good movie
Doesn't float quite as brilliantly

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" Beverly Marsh "We didn't let you do it alone back then. We're not letting you now.""
Doesn't float quite as brilliantly
“Stephen King's novel is a masterpiece, didn't properly appreciate it on first read but with King's style being much more familiar to me (whereas it was a bit of a shock at first) it still stands as a genuinely scary, nostalgic, at times very funny and very powerful book and one of his best. The 1990 mini-series is an uneven one, with a great first half and disappointing second half with the ending and IT's true form having notoriously poor reputations for good reasons. Absolutely loved the first 'IT' film from 2017 and consider it better than the mini-series personally.
'IT Chapter 2?' Not so much. Actually did find a lot to like about it, with a lot of what was great about the first film still here, and for me it is better than has been said. The mixed reception is more than und” read more

" Directed by: Andy Muschietti Produced by: Richard Brenner, Gary Dauberman, Marty P. Ewing, Seth Grahame Smith, David Katzenberg, Roy Lee, Dan Lin, Barbara Muschietti, and Dave Neustadter Written by: Gary Dauberman Based on the book, "IT" by: Stephen King Cinematography: Checco Varese Edited by: Jason Ballantine Music by: Benjamin Wallfisch Distributed by: Warner Bros."

" It's ba-ack...! Pennywise, the clown face of the multi-formed entity of evil eternal has returned! And the children he antagonized in Chapter One are now all grown up, and this time, they are through clowning around with him/it, even though his hunger for their childhood fears is as strong and as insatiable as ever. Chapter Two was not as fully embraced as Chapter One was from either fans or critics, but this is one Listophile who found "It" still worthy of a spot somewhere here on thi"

"It's back! Pennywise, the multiformed enitity of evil eternal has returned and even though the children he antagonized in Chapter One are now all grown up, his hunger for their childhood fears is as strong and as insatiable as ever. It: Chapter Two got alotta flack from both fans and critics alike for not being "as good" or "as scary" as chapter one. But, I have to be honest here, I really enjoyed it, quite a lot. I don't understand the basis for the criticisms "It" got since the story of thi"
“To be honest, I have to admit that I was slightly worried about this movie. Indeed, when the first instalment was released, it had been hugely popular but I had noticed that this sequel didn’t make so much waves when it came out. However, since the damned thing was available on Netflix, I was quite eager to check it out anyway. I even re-watched the previous instalment the day before. At least, pretty much everyone seemed to agree that the actors to portray the adult versions of the kids were pretty much spot-on, even if, personally, I had a rather hard time to picture James McAvoy as the adult version of Bill Denbrough. On top of that, it is still hands-down one of the best stories delivered by Stephen King and it was just awesome to see again this group of friends more than 25 years la” read more

" Long. I like the cast and the story is good enough, but all the scares weren't as creative as the first movie. It's not a bad movie, but the first movie would have been fine on its own even if I know it was far from concluding."

"Long. I like the cast and the story is good enough, but all the scares weren't as creative as the first movie. It's not a bad movie, but the first movie would have been fine on its own even if I know it was far from concluding."