I already saw this movie but since it was such a long time ago, I thought I might as well check it out again. In fact, I even saw the damned thing in the movie theater in France when it was released back in those days. I remember it quite well, back then, there was a huge buzz about this movie. Indeed, even though it was only the 2nd directing effort of Gaspar Noé, the guy already had a notorious reputation and, for his next movie, he managed to get Vincent Cassel and Monica Bellucci, pretty much the most glamorous couple of stars in France at the time. Anyway, before watching this movie, I obviously knew what it was about and I got what I expected, a thoroughly intense but also rather awkward and sometimes downright unpleasant watching experience. Afterwards and even while watching it, I couldn't help thinking 'why am I actually watching this? What is actually the whole point of this chaos and despair?'. Well, Noé certainly doesn't give you any answer and, to be honest, I don't think he really cared, as long as the viewers provided a reaction, even a negative one, towards his work. Anyway, to conclude, I'm not sure I should recommend this flick but if you don't mind when a movie is completely dark and rather depressing then you might give it a try.
Irreversible Reviews
A good movie


is all this movie is about.
mutilation of time(starting with the end of the night and going backwards), mutilation of space(with chaotic camera movements that leave you really dizzy) mutilation of the characters(going down to the deepest/darkest places of human nature), mutilation of the storyline, mutilation of sound, mutilation of...bodies.
"time destroys all things", just like this movie destroys every one of its elemnts, to give a very strong, unmerciful tale of revenge and the "value of life".
mutilation of time(starting with the end of the night and going backwards), mutilation of space(with chaotic camera movements that leave you really dizzy) mutilation of the characters(going down to the deepest/darkest places of human nature), mutilation of the storyline, mutilation of sound, mutilation of...bodies.
"time destroys all things", just like this movie destroys every one of its elemnts, to give a very strong, unmerciful tale of revenge and the "value of life".

Irreversible review

If you're reading this, you most likely have an idea by now of what this film is, what it contains, and how it is achieved. Curiosity finally got the better of me too, and I'd be lying if I didn't say a large part of me regrets it. I do not, however, wish to blame the film-maker, as given the content and message behind the movie, I can't think of any way to improve upon the ultra-tragic nightmarish effectiveness of the film. Nope, I simply blame myself. I am not, you see, a film historian, nor am I in the middle of writing a thesis on the impact of film as an artform and it's role in the critique and analysis of violence in modern French society. Alas, I am merely a movie-lover, a somewhat studious, but relatively casual appreciator of film as art, film as storytelling, and film as escapism. And while I hate to admit it, this is one of those rare movies, one of maybe two or three that I've seen, that truly demands stricter credentials than those I have to offer. I guess what I mean to say is that, while this is a very good film, if you don't HAVE to watch it, maybe just don't watch it.

Irreversible review

F*cking brutal. Forever etched into my mind.

great film, but be warned if you haven't

This is an excellent film with great cinematography, acting and storytelling technique. However, think before watching this if you find especially graphic scenes in films disturbing. I don't want to give too much away, but there are at least two particular acts of brutality against both men and women. I personally feel the prolonged acts of violence are essential to the emotion of the story, but certainly its not worth it for everyone.


Hay dos características de esta película que la hacen inconfundible, no se puede ocultar que es francesa y que está dirigida por Gaspar Noé. Un muy buen elenco logra una pieza de arte única. No apta para impresionables, cruda y muy fuerte. Diseñada bajo una dinámica inversa que hace la historia aún más interesante. Excelente musicalización y fotografía redondean un film para paladares exquisitos.