Independence Day (1996)
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Independence Day Videos
Cover art, photos and screenshots
Our Independence Day.
Aliens have launched a unrelenting and unprovoked attack on the world, wiping out most of our major national monuments. Now they have settled over every major city in the world; with the intent of annihilating the entire human race.
In step a team of rugged Americans; ... read more
A fun movie!
This is a summer blockbuster in the purest sense. The acting is decent (Judd Hirsch is a stand out as Jeff Goldblum's straight talking father), the action is over the top and some of the plot devices are cliched.
But still, Independ... read more
An average movie
UPC: 024543000457

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" Independence Day (also promoted as ID4) is a 1996 American science fiction action film, co-written, directed and executive produced by Roland Emmerich, co-written and produced by Dean DevlinIt stars an ensemble cast that consists of Will Smith, Bill Pullman, Jeff Goldblum, Mary McDonnell, Judd Hirsch, Margaret Colin, Randy Quaid, Robert Loggia, James Rebhorn, and Harvey Fierstein. Fans of stuff blowing up, really good will love this film, about aliens blowing stuff, and America saving the day"

"Reason for the future sucking: Earth gets blown up really good, by unfriendly aliens. Year it takes place: 1990ish"

" 2020: 116 2019: 118 2018: 118 2017: 117 2016: 117 2015: 114 2014: 111 2013: 109 2012: 105 2011: 103 2010: 101 2009: 100 2008: 99 2007: 99 2006: 92 2005: 86 2004: 70 2003: 61 2002: 53 2001: 44 2000: 27 1999: 23 1998: 10 1997: 13 1996: 17 "

" 2019: 118 2018: 118 2017: 117 2016: 117 2015: 114 2014: 111 2013: 109 2012: 105 2011: 103 2010: 101 2009: 100 2008: 99 2007: 99 2006: 92 2005: 86 2004: 70 2003: 61 2002: 53 2001: 44 2000: 27 1999: 23 1998: 10 1997: 13 1996: 17 "

"23.7. Disney+ Uusintakatselu? Watched-täppä painettuna ilman pisteytystä, tiedä häntä. "Ironisesti" kornina paskaviihteenä katsottuna ihan hauska tapaus, mutta annin harmautensa vuoksi ei tarjoa ylimääräistä hassuenergiaa ja naurutkin jäävät yllättävän miedoiksi. Vakavasti arvioiden uskomatonta paskaa, mutta siihen ei enää lähdetä."

" No Change 2018: 118 2017: 117 2016: 117 2015: 114 2014: 111 2013: 109 2012: 105 2011: 103 2010: 101 2009: 100 2008: 99 2007: 99 2006: 92 2005: 86 2004: 70 2003: 61 2002: 53 2001: 44 2000: 27 1999: 23 1998: 10 1997: 13 1996: 17 "

" 2017: 117 2016: 117 2015: 114 2014: 111 2013: 109 2012: 105 2011: 103 2010: 101 2009: 100 2008: 99 2007: 99 2006: 92 2005: 86 2004: 70 2003: 61 2002: 53 2001: 44 2000: 27 1999: 23 1998: 10 1997: 13 1996: 17 "

" "Welcome to earth!" Directed by Roland Emmerich Written by Roland Emmerich and Dean Devlin Music by David Arnold Cinematography by Karl Walter Lindenlaub Editing by David Brenner"

"Earth has become inhabited by an uprising of AI, and most surviving humans have successfully migrated to another planet. A space station overseeing Earth, whose captain is played by George Clooney, finds itself under attack by several of these machines, and so what they decide is the easiest way they can destroy these machines in such a way that they go barely to use a secretly located machine to turn themselves into sentient tangerines. Rolling, faceless, talking tangerines. "

" No Change 2016: 117 2015: 114 2014: 111 2013: 109 2012: 105 2011: 103 2010: 101 2009: 100 2008: 99 2007: 99 2006: 92 2005: 86 2004: 70 2003: 61 2002: 53 2001: 44 2000: 27 1999: 23 1998: 10 1997: 13 1996: 17 "

" 2015: 114 2014: 111 2013: 109 2012: 105 2011: 103 2010: 101 2009: 100 2008: 99 2007: 99 2006: 92 2005: 86 2004: 70 2003: 61 2002: 53 2001: 44 2000: 27 1999: 23 1998: 10 1997: 13 1996: 17 "

"  Independence Day is a holiday that is mostly associated with the United States of America during the Fourth of July. However, in this big budget, over-bloated blockbuster from the 90's, it's a day that goes global when almost the entire planet of Earth gets blown up by city sized U.F.O's.  It is a worldwide catastrophe that causes those of us who inhabit this planet to realize that, if we want to continue to "live long and prosper" as a species, now is the t"

" 2014: 111 2013: 109 2012: 105 2011: 103 2010: 101 2009: 100 2008: 99 2007: 99 2006: 92 2005: 86 2004: 70 2003: 61 2002: 53 2001: 44 2000: 27 1999: 23 1998: 10 1997: 13 1996: 17 "