Hesher (Rebel)
list by Caíque Carvalho

list by I.T.log

list by Kami

list by Yoko Factor

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Although it DOES have it's flaws, I can oddly relate to this film.
Lets start with the flaws. This film is so funny in the fact that the entire time Hesher is this badass, no rules, looking out for only me kind of character but eventually and at random times turns into this guy who is like all knowing,... read more
life sucks, you're going to get wet either way .
This "life is rough" film is hard to u... read more
Joseph Gordon-Levitt is unrecognizable! Crazy character! Crazy script. Not in the sense that the plot is nonsensical but is just that it is the kind of movie where even though I didn't fall in love with any of the characters, they made an impression on me and in the end I cared about what would happen.
I really liked.
It was interesting... read more

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" Nicole "You know, I feel like if I died, no one would even notice.""

"First viewing - May 8th I remember being curious about Hesher thanks to its trailers, but catching it during its theatrical run was not a priority. Turns out I could've gone on ignoring its existence. It's not necessarily a bad movie, as there are some scenes and aspects I appreciated. But the story never comes together in a satisfying way, and thus the film feels a bit empty in the end. It doesn't help that we're clearly expected to find the titular character more amusing and endearing than he"
“I wasn’t really sure what to expect from this movie but since I have a weak spot for Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Natalie Portman, I thought I might as well check it out. Well, eventually, even though not everything really worked in this movie, I thought that this Hesher character was pretty awesome and fascinating to behold. Indeed, it is not often that you get to see someone so chaotic, so random in his behavior and, normally, a character like this one would be rather cringe-inducing and annoying to behold but, somehow, it worked really fine here thanks above all to another really solid performance by Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Unfortunately, even though Hesher himself was really neat, the rest of the movie didn’t really impress me. I mean, Devin Brochu and Rainn Wilson were not bad at all bu” read more