Dark Water (Honogurai mizu no soko kara)
list by diabolical dr voodoo

list by Harmonica

list by Manling

list by Hexenkult

list by Ranzkind

Dark Water Videos
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Good story that is hobbled by the acting
Dark Water moves slowly, delivering an ever increasing tension and unease instead of relying on the normal shock and gore. It's very much about things that you see out of the corner of your eye or stuff you would chalk down to your i... read more
UPC: 702727090127

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"22.2. Blu-ray No se oli pettymys. Jotain ajatusta trauman kierrosta leijailee, mutta sisään ei pääse. Noin muutenkin kovin geneerisen oloinen tapaus ja väärällä tavalla vähän ankea. Ehkä annan joskus uuden mahdollisuuden, koska odotin enemmän. Ei sais, tiedän."

"First viewing - Oct. 27th I have mixed feelings about Dark Water. The story was going along well up until the point where you realize exactly how the rest of it will play out. And then the filmmakers seem to anticipate your expectations and try to throw a curveball that doesn't really work with the rest of the film, and tack on an epilogue in hopes of further justifying the choice. I found this rather disappointing, especially because up until that point it was really good. And thus my weekend "

" Watched October 22nd Rating: Streamed on Shudder Yoshimi Matsubara's whole world, from the custody battle, the haunting, the presumed-dead missing child from the neighborhood, even being late to pick up her daughter from kindergarten, it's all reflecting the incredible, terrifying pressure to be a good parent and protect her daughter no matter what. It's pretty great. Not especially scary, thanks to how many movies have come out since and done so much more intense, graphic scares. But heck if"

" Watched October 22nd Rating: Streamed on Shudder Yoshimi Matsubara's whole world, from the custody battle, the haunting, the presumed-dead missing child from the neighborhood, even being late to pick up her daughter from kindergarten, it's all reflecting the incredible, terrifying pressure to be a good parent and protect her daughter no matter what. It's pretty great. Not especially scary, thanks to how many movies have come out since and done so much more intense, graphic scares. But heck if"

"14.5, PC Tunnelma on välillä hyvällä tavalla masentava ja synkähkÜ, mutta toimivan kauhun luonti jää harmittavasti yritykseksi. Tylsä viimeistään siinä vaiheessa, kun tajusin että tässä jälleen kerran pitäsi kauhistella sitä pitkän tumman tukan omaavaa lapsikummitusta, joka kurkkii ovenpielestä ja milloin mistäkin."