A Fistful of Dollars (1964) update feed

"In the grand tradition of western filmmakers in the 60s and 70s remaking Kurosawa-films, A Fistful of Dollars is a hell of a treat that boldly refreshes a lot of the concepts of the original. Eastwood is a more human character than Mifune's legendary trickster, imbuing the character with more moralistic and personal concern. Whether it's entirely from his performance, his lines of dialogue ("I once knew someone like you.") or just shots like him inspecting his handiwork as his bullets hit thick "

"Es un buen inicio de una triologia que formaría el genero Western."

"5.1. YLE Areena Pitääpä nyt paikata tää Dollari-trilogian mentävä aukko sivistyksestäni, koska YLE siihen mahdollisuuden ystävällisesti tarjoaa. Ensimmäinen elokuva oli ainakin oikein hyvä."

"How I View this: popcorn time August 31"

" The first entry into the greatest western trilogy is the weakest but still exciting as it conquers new territory in the genre, even if it is essentially a remake of 'Yojimbo'."

"Was one of three films shown to Uma Thurman to prepare her for her role as The Bride. Score from 'A Fistful of Dollars' is heard after Budd has shot The Bride."

" 1964 My Rating : 3.5=Very Good - My Pleasure Meter : 4.5/5.0 Stars The Runner Up : My Fair Lady "

" my rating : 4.0 for good my imbd pleasure meter : 4.0/5.0 stars "

" I haven't seen yet the original of the great Kurosawa (shame on me!) : "