Angst (1983) (Fear) (1983)
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" Angst (English: "Fear") is a 1983 Austrian horror film directed by Gerald Kargl, who co-wrote the screenplay with cinematographer and editor Zbigniew RybczyĆski. It follows a psychopath recently released from prison and is loosely based on real-life mass murderer Werner Kniesek. Though relatively obscure, the film was acclaimed for its camera work, score, and Erwin Leder's performance. It was banned all over Europe for extreme violence in 1983 The film, also featured a earlier performance "

" Angst (English: "Fear") is a 1983 Austrian horror film directed by Gerald Kargl, who co-wrote the screenplay with cinematographer and editor Zbigniew RybczyĆski. It follows a psychopath recently released from prison and is loosely based on real-life mass murderer Werner Kniesek. Though relatively obscure, the film was acclaimed for its camera work, score, and Erwin Leder's performance. It was banned all over Europe for extreme violence in 1983 The film, also featured a earlier performance "

" First Viewing Viewing Date: April 11th Via: Blu-ray Plot: A troubled man gets released from prison and starts taking out his sadistic fantasies on an unsuspecting family living in a secluded house. Rating: 7.8/10 Why Did I Watch It? A user on TikTok brought this to my attention, and then I saw the positive reception and the IMDb rating. I couldn't get it out of my head and needed to watch it."

"11.12.2020, tietsikka No tÀssÀ on kyllÀ psykopaattielokuvien isÀÀ & ÀiteetÀ, jÀÀ Hohdot ja American Psychot ja Natural Born Killersit ynnÀ muut kyllÀ ihan kakkoseksi. Todella tiivistunnelmainen, kuumeinen ja hÀiriintynyt teos, joka ei kuitenkaan missÀÀn vaiheessa tulvi yli ÀyrÀiden tai ammu överiksi, vaan pysyy aivan jÀÀtÀvÀn vertahyytÀvÀn kuumottavana koko pituutensa ajan. Klaus Schulzen musiikki on kyllÀ elementissÀÀn tÀssÀ, ja innovatiivinen ja tyylitajuinen kamer"

"Werner Kniesek The film is based on Kniesek, who was one of the most dangerous offenders in Austria's criminal history, torturing and killing a family of three while on parole."

"Gerald Karglâs Angst is a 75-minute cinematic panic attack. Body-mounted cameras, high-angle tracking shots, amplified sound design, and a bone-chilling krautrock score swirl together to create a manic, propulsive energy thatâs as disorienting to the viewer as the implacable urge to kill is for Erwin Lederâs unnamed psychopath. Angst elides all psychological trappings, instead tapping directly into this all-consuming desire for destruction on a purely physiological and experiential level. "

"4.8, PC Tuo vahvasti mieleen Funny Gamesin, joskin Angstin psykopaatti on aivan omaa luokkaansa. Erwin Lederin esittÀmÀ tappaja kulkee ympÀriinsÀ kuin elÀin kiimassa etsien seuraavaa uhria, ja hahmon mielihalut ovat kovin hÀiriintyneitÀ, mutta toisaalta kaveri on niin riutuneen ja heikon nÀköinen ettÀ vÀhÀn kÀy sÀÀliksi. LisÀksi kameratyöskentely on erittÀin nÀttiÀ katseltavaa."