Eye in the Sky Reviews
A good movie

Since I kept hearing some really good things about this flick, I was really eager to check it out. Well, after the rather disappointing 'Good Kill', it was pretty neat to finally see a really good movie dealing with the modern drone warfare. Indeed, they had a stellar cast and all the actors involved delivered some really solid performances. Even more important, it was simply a really good story, at the same time quite realistic but still really entertaining and it was dealing with a very topical subject. Furthermore, they didn't make the same mistake as the makers of 'Good Kill' as they didn't develop at all the private lives of the characters involved which was the best approach for this material. Still, there was one thing that did bother me though. Indeed, I can imagine that some of the politicians would have some scruples about killing some innocent girl but I thought it was harder to believe that most of the military personnel would also struggle so much with this decision. Sure, as an explanation, Aaron Paul's character mentioned that he never had to fire a missile before but, still, they pushed it too far by having both pilots crying at the end of their mission. Eventually, it shows that to work in the military sector remains just so lousy, evenย if it might be originally for a good cause. Anyway, to conclude, even though it was missing something to become truly amazing, it was still a really solid thriller and it is definitely worth a look, especially if you like the genre.

Eye in the Sky review

Does one little girl's sacrifice worth it? If considering about the terrorists may kill hundreds of people, including children & adults, I would also choose to sacrifice one life.
There are so much ideas & thoughts that the movie expresses. It's breathless, thrilled, but also emotional.
There are so much ideas & thoughts that the movie expresses. It's breathless, thrilled, but also emotional.