Expresso Bongo (1959)
list by AKB48Fan

list by wrenster

list by Yamamura Tsukiko

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"28.12. Musiikkibisnekselle irvailevassa lontoobailauksessa lipevä agentti riistää löytämäänsä supertähteä. Äkillisesti alkavat musikaalinumerot saavat vihaamaan niitä hetkiä, kun näyttelijät laulavat, mutta muuten Expresso Bongo on ihan mukiinmenevää BFI Flipsidea. Nykysilmään vanhahtava tapa tehdä elokuvaa toimii myös välillä sen eduksi kuivassa pönötyksessään. Teinitähteä esittävä Cliff Richard näyttää laulaessaan siltä, että joku heiluttelee hänen edessä"

"A hustler turned agent who is after a quick buck finds a raw talent in a young man who can sing and play the bongos. Signing the kid up and taking 50% of his fees, the agent thinks he can make a lot of money from him but when an American singer befriends the kid and finds out how much the agent is ripping him off she persuades the lad to ditch him. I would say this movie is more suited to Cliff Richard fans more than anybody else as it was in the year that this movie was released that he hit th"

"21/1/17 London-based drama about a two-bit agent who discovers a singer in a Soho coffee bar and thinks he will make his fortune off the back of him. Laurence Harvey maybe the star name, playing the sleazy agent with an odd Jewish accent but the real star is the first screen appearance of Cliff Richard, who manages to impress both vocally and acting."