Exorcist II: The Heretic (1977)
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Exorcist II: The Heretic Videos
Added 10 years ago
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This follow up to one of the pere... read more
UPC: 012569102323

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" Five confirmed kills 3 men who sucks ***** in hell 2 women who sucks **** in hell 1 Pazuzu Running time: 118 mins Number of kills: 5 Kills per average: 2.36 mins Golden vomit: Pazuzu, who gets fatallied by a priest! Sent to hell: A cabbie. Who dies off screen. Survivors: Regan MacNeil, Phillip Lamont, Dr. Gene Tuskin, and Kakumo "

"Rated: R Why it’s rated: Moderate profanity, exorcism violence, and adult situations. Note that this movie is far less scarier than its prequel, however there are few scary bits. "

" First Viewing Viewing Date: September 20th Via: Netflix Plot: After her demonic possession and exorcism, Regan finds that something might still be lurking in her. Meanwhile, a priest investigates the death of Father Merrin, who died during Regan's exorcism. Rating: 3.1/10"

"Mielipuolisesti ohjattu, epäonnistunut elokuva kiintoisalla sisällöllä. Kunnianhimoisen pöhköilyn mestari Boorman viisveisaa edeltävän osan simppeliydestä ja venyttää ja vanuttaa pikku riivausjuonen ympärille valtaisan mytologian hyvän ja pahan ikiaikaisesta taistelusta. Manaaja kakkosen naurettavan huono maine on oiva esimerkki jonkinlaisesta leffanörttien tylsämielisestä parviälystä. Ei kai kukaan tosissaan voi pitää näin mielikuvitusrikasta, kunnianhimoista ja rohkeaa el"
“Failing his duty as an exorcist, a spiritually shaken Father Lamont is tasked with the duty of validating Father Merrin's work in light of a progressive Church's attempts to discredit it and call him a heretic. In the process he uncovers why Regan MacNeil was targeted and meaning of Merrin's work in light of the larger scale plot of the demon Pazuzu.
This follow up to one of the perennial classics of film was destined to fall short of the mark. After all, how do you live up to something so universally lauded and feared? The answer is, you don't. This, however, doesn't bar you from making a good film despite living in the shadow of a greater predecessor. Unfortunately, "The Exorcist II: The Heretic" doesn't quite achieve that goal either.
Oft maligned and ignored in fa” read more

"Even if you forget about the Devil..... Don't worry, he hasn't forgetten about you."