Death Proof (2007)
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- Uma batida forte, por favor.
Ingrediente essencial para esta obra, as mulheres fazem bonito quando em cena. Batem em homens, andam de carro em alta velcidade, vão a... read more
another quentin classic
Grindhouse: Death Proof

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"Don’t mess with girls. Unless you wanna get your ass kicked."

"Rated: R Why it’s rated: Drug Content, Gore, Graphic Violence, and Profanity"

" Stuntman Mike "Well damn if you ain't so sweet you make sugar taste just like salt.""

" "Well damn if you ain't so sweet you make sugar taste just like salt." Written by Quentin Tarantino Music by Cinematography by Quentin Tarantino Editing by Sally Menke"

"Okay it needs to be said that the first half of Death Proof is just f*cking amazing. The car crash set piece is like some batshit crazy idea that would have been right at home with the Italian Horror flicks of the 70s and 80s. But the second half of the film is just not for me, as much as I love Tarantino's dialogue a group of girls blabbing for over an hour put me to sleep."

"20.6. Blu-ray Uusintakatselu. Tarantinon kiireettömän eksploitaatioperseilyn julkaisuaikaan oli jo fanipoikailukin mennyttä aikaa, niin sille ei ole edes vahingossa muodostunut mitään nostalgian tai tunteilun sekaista suhdetta. Muistan jopa vähän hävettäneen, kuinka paljon siitä tuolloin pidin. Omillaan taidokkaana ja arvatenkin perinnetietoisena slasher-mukaelmana sekä ohjaajansa näköisenä tyylitietoisena vetelehtimisenä se toimii paremmin, kuin uskoisikaan tai ehkä pitäisik"

" Quentin Taratino is in my top ten list of favorite directors of all time. I have loved every single movie he has directed thus far. With the exception of this one. Now, don't get me wrong, I like Death Proof as QT's contribution to the double feature known matinee homage he and Robert Rodriguez put together and collective called "Grindhouse". However, I didn't love it. I think it's Quentin's weakest effort so far, and that's why, unlike all of his other motion pictures, it's not as near the t"