Combat Shock (American Nightmare) (1986)
list by Xanadon't

list by Hexenkult

Combat Shock Videos
Cover art, photos and screenshots
UPC: 790357998036

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" Date: 12/26/2020 Viewed: Blu-Ray Re-Watch Note: Combat Shock aka American Nightmare is one of those movies that has left a huge impact on me ever since I first saw it. I haven't seen this since I was a teenager when I was a senior in High School and I was lucky enough to get the Blu-Ray released by Severin Films. The Blu-ray from Severin Films is hard to find as a good deal, but I was lucky that someone donated their copy to me for free. Combat Shock is an amazing work of art and it deserve"

"A dangerously disturbed Vietnam veteran struggles with life 15 years after his return home, and slowly falls into insanity from his gritty urban lifestyle. Bleak, uncomfortable and shocking come to mind when describing this exploitation movie. Everything in this movie seems to exist under a layer of filth and grime. There is no saviour, no guiding light that comes to help the lead character. You just sit there and watch as he slowly loses the only thing he can still hold on to...his sanity. He "

"Kuuntelin kommenttiraidan tästä Buddyn mestariteoksesta, jossa on erittäin karu meininki koko keston ajan. Ei kannata antaa Troma-leiman häiritä, koska kyseessä on ehdottoman rankka post-Vietnam ajan kuvaus. Loppuratkaisu on edelleen yksi parhaita, mitä tiedän. Buddyn mukaan norjalaisesta kasetista tuo oli leikattu kokonaan pois. Minua jäi häiritsemään, miksi Jörg Buttgereit oli mukana jauhamassa paskaa? Ainakin hänen ansiostaan hommaan saatiin potkua kysymysten muodossa. Karut mai"