Clerks update feed

"This is the movie that ushered me from childhood into my teenage years. Even then it looked amateurish as all hell but it was all about these characters that resounded with me and those in my social circle. It was a movie that spoke to a specific brood of people in such a resonating way that it transcended its negative aspects. Though, it's aged terribly compared to the rest of these films, it's still downright hilarious and it takes me back. "

"That film you watched alone in college and your dorm room and car but when you found people you could call friends you shared it with them and it resonated and spoke to us :’) "

"As much as I love Chasing Amy, I still think Kevin Smith's debut, Clerks, has yet to be topped. Much like Holden in Chasing Amy, Dante is the spokesman for the audience here. Even if you've never been in a dead-end counter job yourself, you can still understand him: being stuck there against his will, sometimes having to deal with impossible customers. You can share his frustration (as well as laugh) at how all this shit happens to him on just this one day – which is supposed to be his day off"

"16.3 Kevin Smithin kulttielokuva kulkee omaa polkuaan vähän samaan tapaan mitä Tarantinon Reservoir Dogs silloin 90-luvun alussa. Molemmille elokuville on yhteistä arkisten asioiden kuvaaminen, mitä ei ollut tuolloin tyypillistä tallentaa filmille. Smithin esikoinen on musta komedia (kirjaimellisesti), jossa päähenkilöt ovat luusereiden arkkityyppejä ja juuttuneina tiskin taakse. Positiivista elokuvassa on karu satiirinen kuvaus asiakaspalvelun huonoista puolista, kun videovuokraamon "