Cassandra's Dream (2007)
list by ToonHead2102

list by Kami

list by Moon River

list by Aira

list by popguns

Cassandra's Dream Videos
Cover art, photos and screenshots
Microphones on scenes
An average movie

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"Woody Allen ei ole pahemmin häärinyt pelkästään puhtaan trillerin parissa – vaikka tässäkin on pieniä, koomisia hetkiä – ei varmaan sitten Match Pointin (2005), mutta tämä genre sopii yllättäen hänelle kuin nyrkki silmään: puhdas Allen-elokuva, josta vain uupuu huumori, ellei se ole muuttunut todella synkäksi, sielunmustaksi komediaksi, jolle olisi kiusallista nauraa ääneen; käsikirjoitus on priimaa ja antaa näyttelijöille heidän tarvitseman vapauden, ja koska casting "

"Movie: 7/10 Character: Ian Blaine Performance Rating: 8/10 "

"March 14 "He was right about one thing. Once you cross the line, there's no going back." I liked how different this was compared to some of Woody Allen's recent efforts and it's a pretty different movie for him in general. It's a very interesting movie with the kind of storytelling and characters that you normally wouldn't expect from a Woody Allen film and the dialogue was very good and felt like something that could come from a play. It's not one of Woody Allen's best movies by any means a"