Cars (2006)
list by tartan_skirt

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Cars Videos
Cover art, photos and screenshots
This is not Pixar firing on all cylinders...
Considering the astronomical box office intake for every CGI-animated picture Pixar has distributed as of 2006, the r... read more
An average movie
Good for kids
'Cars' isn't as good as its poorly received sequel 'Cars 2' (which I actually loved) and th... read more

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"2006 NOMINEE - Pixar Animation Studios - John Lasseter "

" 2020: 189 2019: 182 2018: 178 2017: 175 2016: 173 2015: 169 2014: 164 2013: 161 2012: 158 2011: 153 2010: 152 2009: 150 2008: 148 2007: 146 2006: 174 "

" 2019: 182 2018: 178 2017: 175 2016: 173 2015: 169 2014: 164 2013: 161 2012: 158 2011: 153 2010: 152 2009: 150 2008: 148 2007: 146 2006: 174 "

" 2018: 178 2017: 175 2016: 173 2015: 169 2014: 164 2013: 161 2012: 158 2011: 153 2010: 152 2009: 150 2008: 148 2007: 146 2006: 174 "
“Cars es una película maravillosa. Era fanático del Rayo McQueen desde que tengo memoria, y en mi revisita a la película... hay cosas que nunca cambian.
Me encanta cómo está animada. Creo que poco se hace notar el cómo los pequeños detalles del concepto son aprovechados para darle una expresión muy viva a los autos. Tomando, por ejemplo, el spin-off medio cash grab que fue Aviones (sin pronunciarme sobre su calidad general, porque no la tengo nada fresca), allí el hecho de que la acción sucediera en el aire hacía que, inevitablemente, el "cuerpo" de los aviones estuviera estático la mayor parte del tiempo, dejando la expresión de movimiento meramente a los giros y piruetas. E incluso en tierra, algo era significativamente diferente a los vehículos.
En Cars,” read more

" 2017: 175 2016: 173 2015: 169 2014: 164 2013: 161 2012: 158 2011: 153 2010: 152 2009: 150 2008: 148 2007: 146 2006: 174 "
“Don't get me wrong, Cars is a good movie, it's just that it isn't a great one. Personally I do think it is my least favourite Pixar movie, but there was still a lot I enjoyed. So what were its problems? Well, firstly I felt the narrative was a little too slack and sedate particularly in the middle act. Secondly, while there were some nice jokes, some didn't quite work and the script had its weak spots, could've done with more sophistication. Thirdly, the film's message is a little muddled.
But there is a lot to enjoy. The animation is superb, the backgrounds are beautiful and the character movements are crisp. The film has some really bright and inventive colouring which was a delight to see. The soundtrack is quite exhilarating as well, and the race scenes themselves are like mi” read more

" 2016: 173 2015: 169 2014: 164 2013: 161 2012: 158 2011: 153 2010: 152 2009: 150 2008: 148 2007: 146 2006: 174 "

" 2015: 169 2014: 164 2013: 161 2012: 158 2011: 153 2010: 152 2009: 150 2008: 148 2007: 146 2006: 174 "

" Out of all Disney's 3-D animated franchises, Cars really is one of the weakest in terms of story and characters. However, I'm still including the film onto this list of favorites strictly on the basis that the visuals on this thing are pretty damn insane.There certain aspects, like the reflecting light off of the hulls of the shiny racecars, which were eye-catchingly reflective, or the realism in many of the background shots and how incredibly affecting they looked, and just the sheer amoun"