Blue Mountain State: The Rise of Thadland (2016)
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"Watched 04/16/2016 Rating 6.0/10 Format: Netflix Never thought this was actually going to get made but it did and if you liked the show than should like this. "

" Familiar Actors: Alan Ritchson Darin Brooks James Cade Rob Ramsay Chris Romano Frances Shaw Omari Newton Ed Marinaro Jimmy Tatro Sam Jones III Page Kennedy and Kelly Kruger True Rating: 7.3/10 My Review: Blue Mountain State: The Review of Thadland"
“So on a Netflix binge I had watched the Blue Mountain State series rather quickly. I thought it was hilarious in the most awkward ways. The characters were hilarious and awesome. I think I decided to watch the series in part so I could watch this. I love that some of the characters who disappeared from the show return for the movie. That's always wonderful. Lev L. Spiro stays on as the director here. Even Eric Falconer and Chris Romano write like usual. I think the only difference is that Alan Ritchson also takes on some of the writing. Ah the opening narrative is a nice throwback. I swear Alan Ritchson knows how to make some interesting and different facial expressions. I wish I could wake up like that every day! Oh wow lol! Ah good ole fashioned Thad. Interesting so Jo Jo is gone and Lar” read more

"Evet, bazen hayatımdaki bazı dakikaları, saniyeleri çöpe atmak en büyün hobimdir. Hayatımdan 90 dakika çalındı ve ben bunu isteyerek yaptırdım. Hani derler ya "insanın başına ne gelirse ya meraktan, ya meraktan" diye işte o deyişin anlam kazandığı bir zaman dilimindeyim. Dizisini seyretmedim. Açıkça buna söylemem gerekiyor. Filmi seyretmemin nedeni ise dizi hakkında dönen goygoy. Kime sorsam bu diziyi bana övüyor. Peki ya bu film ? Dizide bu film gibi mi ? Eğer g"