Battleship (2012)
list by SchwarzerAbt

list by johanlefourbe

list by Villiana

Battleship Videos
Cover art, photos and screenshots
An average movie
Exhaustively moronic and too long
Review of Battleship

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" Cast : Taylor Kitsch, Alexander Skarsgård, Rihanna, Brooklyn Decker, Liam Neeson What was it about? A fleet of ships is forced to do battle with an armada of unknown origins in order to discover and thwart their destructive goals. My two cents: Eventually, with this movie, the lack of inspiration in Hollywood had become pretty obvious since, after the sequels, prequels, reboots, remakes, book adaptations, comic-books, tv-shows, the only thing left seemed to be a board game.... Anyway, ho"

" I put this movie off because someone told me it sucked. What?? No. It does not suck. The aliens are not robots. It's over two hours long and uses every minute to its advantage. The way they tied in the boardgame was pretty ingenious and I love the way they paid tribute to Vets. Why didn't more people praise this?"

"I honestly can't believe we actually have directors trying to imitate Michael Bay now! That has got to be a new cinematic low! Still, at least this movie actually has a plot and sticks to it, unlike the works of Michael Bay himself. I clearly remember the characters' goal is to prevent the war with this alien race from ever happening. The first two thirds, just like Act of Valour, are insufferably boring. But the last act had me thinking this could have been simple dumb fun – if it weren't try"