Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders (2016)
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Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders Videos
Added 7 years ago
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A funny, reverent tribute to 1960s Batman

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"5.11. Päivät menevät nopeasti ja yöt valvoessa. Silloin ei jää aikaa elokuville kuin ennen. Nostalgiahuumeena päätin tiirailla vauvan päiväunien aikana Adam Westin ääninäyttelemän Batmanin kuulumiset. Westille kuului vielä tuolloin hyvää ja animaatiojälki on kohtalaista. Pituutta tälle ei ole paljon laitettu, mutta silti se tuntuu venytetyltä."
A funny, reverent tribute to 1960s Batman
“Almost paradoxically, Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders is by far and away the best and most enjoyable Batman movie of 2016, not that it has much in the way of competition. Yes, this feature-length homage to the campy 1960s Batman TV show is effortlessly better than both the monstrously-budgeted disappointment of Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice as well as the animated misfire of Batman: The Killing Joke. (Forget about Batman: Bad Blood, if anybody actually remembers it.) Produced outside of the DC Universe Animated Original Movies series, Return of the Caped Crusaders plays out like a direct sequel to 1966's Batman: The Movie, distinguishing itself by presenting a goofy, tongue-in-cheek interpretation of the Dark Knight, and the approach pays off. It's clear that everybody involve” read more