Barry Lyndon update feed

"First viewing - May 31st I've wanted to see Barry Lyndon for a long damn time now as it's one of the few Kubrick films I hadn't seen. Tracking it down is generally not easy, and I didn't want to buy it without watching it first, so I was pretty stoked when it got added to Max. The only obstacle left was finding the 3 hours to sit down with it...and now here we are. Turns out I was right not buying it without watching it first as it's nothing I'd need to watch twice. It's an interesting look at"

" Redmond Barry: I'm not sorry. And I'll not apologize. And I'd as soon go to Dublin as to hell."

"In the early 1970’s, Stanley Kubrick was struggling to get his Napoleon Bonaparte biopic off the ground. After the controversial film "A Clockwork Orange," he would regather his resources and direct "Barry Lyndon," a historical epic about the grim rise and fall of 18th Century aristocracy. Redmond Barry (Ryan O’Neal) is an Irish peasant who becomes a scapegoat from a duel with Captain John Quin (Leonard Rossiter) and soon drafted in the British and Prussian Armies during the Seven Years War."

" Notes: Amongst all the tremendous masterpieces directed by the great Stanley Kubrick, I have noticed that this one seems to be slightly overlooked which is just too bad. Indeed, it is actually a fascinating picture and I would go as far as saying that it is probably the best costume drama I have ever seen. First of all, it is really a gorgeous movie. Seriously, virtually every scene, every single shot was some kind of painting and I had very rarely seen anything like this before. Furthermore, "

" Notes: Amongst all the tremendous masterpieces directed by the great Stanley Kubrick, I have noticed that this one seems to be slightly overlooked which is just too bad. Indeed, it is actually a fascinating picture and I would go as far as saying that it is probably the best costume drama I have ever seen. First of all, it is really a gorgeous movie. Seriously, virtually every scene, every single shot was some kind of painting and I had very rarely seen anything like this before. Furthermore, "

"30.3. 2019 A rebellious Irish lad known as Redmond Barry heads towards Berlin after challenging a wealthy British officer to a duel. Later he is abducted into the Prussian army and during one of his missions he surprisingly meets a fellow Irishman who helps him to raise his status in society. Finally Redmond Barry acquires the title of Barry Lyndon, but hardships of life has made him cynical and he doesn't believe in such things as romantic love anymore. In the end the main character becomes on"