AVP: Alien vs. Predator Reviews
AVP: Alien vs. Predator review

An average movie

To be honest, even though many people, including Sigourney Weaver, thought that this crossover was a terrible idea, I thought that this concept actually had some potential. In fact, in my opinion, the set-up used in this movie was actually pretty neat and they managed to properly introduce the Predators, the Aliens and the humans to this mix. Furthermore, I really loved the fact that the main character was a woman, and, even better, a black woman which was really refreshing. Unfortunately, even though it seemed that they had done the most difficult part of the job, they messed up pretty much everything else, I’m afraid. Indeed, first of all, why did the action take place in the present day on our planet? It would have made much more sense if it took place in the future on a foreign planet. Eventually, the biggest issue was that the Predator turned out to be actually a good guy. Seriously, the awesome tagline for this movie was ‘Whoever wins, we lose’, so, the whole point was to have them go all rampage, fighting each other like crazy and killing all the humans in the process. Even in this context, against all odds, this black woman could have still survived but not as an ally with one of them. Anyway, to conclude, even though the whole thing had some potential, I’m afraid it was rather poorly developed and I don’t think it is really worth a look.

awesome movie