At Eternity's Gate update feed
“God, Willem Dafoe really is one of our most undervalued actors. Ignore for a second that he’s about twenty-five years older than Vincent van Gogh when he died and look at his performance here. He’s been this good for so long that it’s easy to forget just how captivating he is in close-up, how great he is in portraying full-bodied agony. If only the rest of At Eternity’s Gate had functioned at his level. It’s not that At Eternity’s Gate is bad, it’s just that Julian Schnabel’s tendencies as a filmmaking veer towards incoherent visual continuity and a disregard for narrative sense. As van Gogh descends into madness, so too does the camera-work, except Schnabel begins his portrait of the artist at madness and only goes weirder from there. There’s also a distinct lack of” read more

"UK RELEASE: March 29th 2019 HOW I SAW IT: iTunes (USA) WHEN I SAW IT: February 12th 2019"