Alice in Wonderland (1951)
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Alice in Wonderland Videos
Cover art, photos and screenshots
Review of Alice In Wonderland
We all know the story. Alice sees a white rabbit exclaiming "I'm late, I'm late!" over and over, and of course, silly... read more
Alice in Wonderland
UPC: 717951000439

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"Alice: Crimes committed: Breaking and entering and destruction of public and private property. The Queen of Hearts Crimes committed: Tyrany, Crimes against the State, Murder, and Attempted Murder. The Mad Hatter Crimes committed: Harassment and possible distribution of “illegal substances”. The Walrus and the Carpenter Crimes committed: Harassment and eating oysters. "

" No Change 2020: 370 2019: 366 2018: 362 2017: 357 2016: 354 2015: 347 2014: 344 2013: 337 2012: 337 2011: 328 2010: 323 2009: 314 2008: 314 2007: 307 2006: 335 2005: 354 2004: 341 2003: 352 2002: 408 2001: 392 2000: 362 1999: 341 1998: 283 1997: 273 1996: 290 1995: 257 1994: 203 1993: 136 First seen in 1989 "

"Todas las adaptaciones de la era dorada de Disney modificaban, comprimían o añadían detalles que no tenían la obra original. Esta no es la excepción, ya que comprime los dos libros de Alicia en uno, lo que deja como resultado una historia sobre la adultez desde la perspectiva de un niño. Todos los personajes sirven como hilo conductor al desarrollo de Alicia (aparte de ser carismáticos y únicos) y no son lo que se llamarían unos comic relief, ya que el hecho de que sean insufriblemente "

" "If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary-wise; what it is it wouldn't be, and what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?" Directed by Clyde Geronimi, Wilfred Jackson, Hamilton Luske and Jack Kinney Written by Winston Hibler, Ted Sears, Bill Peet, Erdman Penner, Joe Rinaldi, Milt Banta, William Cottrell, Dick Kelsey, Joe Grant, Dick Huemer, Del Connell, Tom Oreb, John Walbridge and Aldous Huxley M"

" 2019: 366 2018: 362 2017: 357 2016: 354 2015: 347 2014: 344 2013: 337 2012: 337 2011: 328 2010: 323 2009: 314 2008: 314 2007: 307 2006: 335 2005: 354 2004: 341 2003: 352 2002: 408 2001: 392 2000: 362 1999: 341 1998: 283 1997: 273 1996: 290 1995: 257 1994: 203 1993: 136 First seen in 1989 "
“Como toda película antigua de Walt Disney (la época en que él vivió) Alicia en el país de las maravillas luce muy infantil, a veces muy absurdo, pero para los adultos carga con un peso filosófico, y no dudo que para los niños también conforme vayan creciendo. Sea porque está basado en un cuento inspirado en el mito de Perséfone, o porque verdaderamente se creó con la consciencia de su implicación filosófica (yo creo que es la segunda), Alicia termina tratando muy certeramente un tema de identidad y realidad. No por nada ante el gusano Alicia dice "he cambiado tantas veces que ya no recuerdo quién soy..."” read more

" 2018: 362 2017: 357 2016: 354 2015: 347 2014: 344 2013: 337 2012: 337 2011: 328 2010: 323 2009: 314 2008: 314 2007: 307 2006: 335 2005: 354 2004: 341 2003: 352 2002: 408 2001: 392 2000: 362 1999: 341 1998: 283 1997: 273 1996: 290 1995: 257 1994: 203 1993: 136 First seen in 1989 "

" 2017: 357 2016: 354 2015: 347 2014: 344 2013: 337 2012: 337 2011: 328 2010: 323 2009: 314 2008: 314 2007: 307 2006: 335 2005: 354 2004: 341 2003: 352 2002: 408 2001: 392 2000: 362 1999: 341 1998: 283 1997: 273 1996: 290 1995: 257 1994: 203 1993: 136 First seen in 1989 "

"This one really stands out to me as unique in the Disney oeuvre. It's a dark, twisted psychological journey, in which a very logical girl is thrown into a world that's the complete opposite of logic. In terms of overall structure, it's more or less a road trip movie: you see something, you have a brief encounter with it, and then you move on. I haven't yet read either of the original Lewis Carroll books, but I've heard this movie tries to combine the two into one. And in that respect, I think it"

"Directors: Clyde Geronimi, Wilfred Jackson and Hamilton Luske Starring: Kathryn Beaumont, Ed Wynn, Richard Haydn and Sterling Holloway Alice becomes bored and her mind starts to wander. She sees a white rabbit who appears to be in a hurry. She chases it into its burrow and then a most bizarre series of adventures begins."