3 from Hell
list by Agent Kermit D. Fonz

list by LBKitty

list by Agent Kermit D. Fonz
list by The Cineast
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" 41 confirmed deaths 32 men 9 women But not the Fireflys, because heaven forbid that ever happens Running time: 119 mins Number of deaths: 41 Kills per average: 2.83 mins Unfortunately this ended up being Sid Haig’s final film, that he was in. Best death in the film: All are pretty equally brutal, not really getting too thrilled about. If that’s your kind of thing. Least brutal death: Greta. Because the actress who played her, Dee Wallace deserved a better fate for her character. "

"And then there's this...a movie that copies it's predecessor almost beat by beat and in a confoundingly inferior ways. The saving grace is the final stretch which is an entertaining showdown, albeit with a crew of villains that would of been best served with some development in the front half rather than a re-run of events with the Rejects. Ah well. "

"Death is never the final, the stop! Evil will always come back. and live to be evil for another evil day!"