Mary Grace
Mary Grace was born and raised in New Jersey and lived in Florida for part of high school. Mary was accepted into Rollins College on four scholarships, where she graduated with high honors and a B.A. degree in Organizational Behavior and a minor in Organizational Communications.
Mary Grace has always had a desire to help the poor and needy children. While in high school she volunteered every weekend for 3 1/2 years in a non-profit organization, playing an invaluable leadership role. She was in charge of over 50 children; her work included, in-home counseling, planning and executing field trips, plus organizing weekly classes
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1. Star Trek (2009)
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2. Lords Of Dogtown (2005)
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3. Homo Erectus
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4. Caravaggio and My Mother the Pope (2017)
Rating: | 2 Watched |

5. Worthless (2018)
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