Top 10 Highly Underrated Comedies
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Wag the Dog (1997)
Wickedly, and cruelly funny, and politically on target, this one is underrated not because of that rating, because anyone who's seen it mostly agree that it's great, it comes from the fact that not enough people know that this film exists. It seems to have disappeared from the public awareness over the years, and that's a shame for what I personally think is one of the 1997's best films. It may be dark, but for anyone with even a inkling of interest in political satires, this is a must-watch.
garfield2710's rating:

Leap of Faith (1992)
A mostly unknown Steve Martin comedy, . The ending is a little too abrupt, but other than that, this is a wonderful comedy about faith, corruption, and con artistry, that is sadly really hard to track down. For those lucky enough to do so, check it out, because this movie is one of a kind.
garfield2710's rating:

Death to Smoochy (2002)
Danny DeVito's style of directing is an acquired taste, I will grant you that. However, I was a very big fan of just how cruel this film was willing to go for a laugh. The film is a spot on satire of children's entertainment, and the contrast of the bright and colorful shows, to the dark and gritty side of show business and the mafia is very smart and well done. Not for everyone's taste, but for fans of dark comedies, this is a treat just waiting to be found.
garfield2710's rating:

Neighbors (2014)
Far more clever than it had any right to be, this is an outrageous and really funny film, that has the distinction of making both sides of a feud sympathetic, and making them both do really horrible things. The point of this film is to offend and shock, and it will go to any length to get a laugh, making this a rigorously and unrelentingly nasty, but surprisingly endearing comedy, a usually deadly combination, but it works amazingly well here. Not for the easily offended, but worth checking out for everyone else.
garfield2710's rating:

All of Me (1984)
Even if you don't think the movie is all that funny, this movie is definitely worth a check to see a fantastic and highly underrated performance by Steve Martin, in my opinion, one of his best.
garfield2710's rating:

This film was a bomb at the box office, and it's easy to see why. This film was marketed as a teen film, scaring away the adults, and teens were turned off by the political and historical satire. However, for those who are open to enjoying both kinds of film, what awaits is a very clever and smart fictionalization of the Watergate scandal. The two girls have incredible chemistry and camaraderie together, and it nails the time period of which the story takes place. Not enough people know this film exists, which is a shame, because though the target audience may be niche, it should not be ignored.
garfield2710's rating:

Horrible Bosses 2 (2014)
Granted, this one boils down solely to personal preference. Some may find the character's actions to be too stupid to be believable, or some may hark on the fact that technically it has nothing to do with horrible bosses, but I personally thought this was a very funny film, with a twisty clever enough plot. As far as comedy sequels go, especially ones that you could argue are unnecessary, I thought this was one of the better ones, and it doesn't crap all over the original film, so in my opinion, this one is worth checking out.
garfield2710's rating: