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Top 10 Performances
Mystic River (2003)
Annabeth Markum
"Their daddy's a king. And a king knows what to do and *does* it. Even when it's hard. And their daddy will do whatever he has to for those he loves. And that's all that matters. Because everyone is weak, Jimmy. Everyone but us. We will never be weak. And you, you could rule this town. And after Jimmy, let's take the girls down to the parade. Katie would like that."
henrik4075's rating:
The Truman Show (1998)
Meryl Burbank
"Hi, honey! Look what I got free at the checkout. It's a "Chef's Pal". It's a dicer, grater, peeler, all in one. Never needs sharpening, dishwasher safe!"
henrik4075's rating:
Primal Fear (1996)
Janet Venable
"Do you know what I would do if someone did that to me? I would kill him, I wouldn't hesitate. I would stab him 78 times. I would chop off his fingers, slash his throat open, carve numbers in his chest, gouge out his eyes, I swear to God!... But that's me."
henrik4075's rating:
henrik4075's rating:
Absolute Power (1997)
Kate Whitney
"Do you know what it's like to be the only kid in the first grade who got to talk about visiting day?"
henrik4075's rating:
Mr. Holmes (2015)
Mrs. Munro
"Your dad hated what he did for a living. Mechanic in a garage, like his dad before him. When he got called up, he said to me, "My love, I'll not spend this war "underneath the oil pan of some toff's jeep. "I'm gonna put in for the RAF." So he did. He trained. Scored high marks, got assigned to a Bristol Blenheim, Mark IV. Blown out of the sky. First time up. All his mates who worked the motor pool came home without a scratch."
henrik4075's rating:
Sully (2016)
Lorrie Sullenberger
"I just realized there were a hundred and fifty-five people on that plane and you were one of them!"
henrik4075's rating:
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