Cauldron of forgotten
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Showing 24 items
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Cyberzone (1995)
Cyberzone aka Phoenix 2 aka Droid gunner
is a truly BladeRunnerish flick.
Obviusly for completionists, but it's not so bad.
- Good things: almost decent plot and scenography
and the pleasure droids of course.
- Bad things: all the rest

Number of ratings: 1 (yes it's me)
is a truly BladeRunnerish flick.
Obviusly for completionists, but it's not so bad.
- Good things: almost decent plot and scenography
and the pleasure droids of course.
- Bad things: all the rest

Number of ratings: 1 (yes it's me)
Stephen's rating:

An horrorfic journey throu the undergound of Moscow.
A good setting, a decent photography and a weak attempt of a final twist can't save a movie badly directed and acted.
-Similar movies: The depraved, Creep, As above so below

Number of ratings: 1 (always me)
A good setting, a decent photography and a weak attempt of a final twist can't save a movie badly directed and acted.
-Similar movies: The depraved, Creep, As above so below

Number of ratings: 1 (always me)
Stephen's rating:

Primal Shift (2015)
A Canadian road 'n' kill movie totally bashed by critics and audience.
Probably it deserves better consideration.
- Good things: the female villain and few scenes
- Bad things: plot and script are a bit weak
-Similar movies: Natural born killers

Number of ratings: 1
Probably it deserves better consideration.
- Good things: the female villain and few scenes
- Bad things: plot and script are a bit weak
-Similar movies: Natural born killers

Number of ratings: 1
Stephen's rating:

This is supposed to be the needless, shitty remake of the
good "Forbidden World".
The only good thing here is the ubiquitous fog
that almost covers every scene of this shamefull movie.

Number of ratings: 2
good "Forbidden World".
The only good thing here is the ubiquitous fog
that almost covers every scene of this shamefull movie.

Number of ratings: 2
Stephen's rating:

Terrible Angels (2012)
Intersting and totally unknown movie starring Michael Madsen.
If you like psychological thiller with claustrofobic
elements this definetly worth a look.
- Notable scenes: unpredictable final twist

Number of ratings: 3
If you like psychological thiller with claustrofobic
elements this definetly worth a look.
- Notable scenes: unpredictable final twist

Number of ratings: 3
Stephen's rating:

Dead Mine (2012)
Here we have an asian flick about hidden treasures, mines, secret bunkers, survival and deadly samurais from the hell. Who wants more?
- Similar movies: The descent

Number of ratings: 4
- Similar movies: The descent

Number of ratings: 4
Stephen's rating:

The Last Push (2012)
Little know low budget movie about spacetravels and solitude.
-Recommendations: worth a look only if you are REALLY into the genre.
- Similar movies: Approaching the unknown, Europa report, Salyut-7

Number of ratings: 4
-Recommendations: worth a look only if you are REALLY into the genre.
- Similar movies: Approaching the unknown, Europa report, Salyut-7

Number of ratings: 4
Stephen's rating:

Hostile (2017)
A well done variation in the stereotyped post apocalyptic genre.
- Notable scenes: good (even if maybe a bit predictable) final twist

Number of ratings: 5
- Notable scenes: good (even if maybe a bit predictable) final twist

Number of ratings: 5
Stephen's rating:

From the extemporaneous director Monte Markham here we have another pretty obscure post-apocalyptic flick settled in a future wasteland. The usual gang of desperate is here leaded by the legendary Michael Ironside in the role of the good leader with the help of a John Rambo lookalike guy in the role of the loyal fellow.
A real b-movie all the way, gloomy, ingenuous and entertaining it could easily stay high in the everyone's guilty pleasure zone.
- Similar movies: Mad Max, Def-Con 4

Number of ratings: 6
A real b-movie all the way, gloomy, ingenuous and entertaining it could easily stay high in the everyone's guilty pleasure zone.
- Similar movies: Mad Max, Def-Con 4

Number of ratings: 6
Stephen's rating:

Paganini Horror (1988)
Possibly the worst movie ever made.
This doesn't deserve any image.
- Reccomandation: don't watch this.
Number of ratings: 6
This doesn't deserve any image.
- Reccomandation: don't watch this.
Number of ratings: 6
Stephen's rating:

Robot Holocaust (1987)
Easily one of the most embarassing movies about post apocalyctic world and struggles against robots. Nothing seems to have any sense here. I'm still wondering why i have watched this shit.
-Fun facts: You can easily guess how some scenography was clearely painted by a bunch of schoolboys.
-recommendations: Don't watch this.

Number of ratings: 6
-Fun facts: You can easily guess how some scenography was clearely painted by a bunch of schoolboys.
-recommendations: Don't watch this.

Number of ratings: 6
Stephen's rating:

Vicious Lips (1986)
An obscure, forgotten, crazy, ridicolous, unlikely, funny, totally messed up cult flick
about a girls rock band on a distant planet from the amazing b-movies specialized american director Albert Pyun. A cult flick, a must see.

Number of ratings: 7
about a girls rock band on a distant planet from the amazing b-movies specialized american director Albert Pyun. A cult flick, a must see.

Number of ratings: 7
Stephen's rating:

The Recall (2017)
Wrong turn meets war of the worlds meets fire in the sky.
Strange unclassifiable sci-fi which melts typical teen slasher clichรฉs with alien invasion and alien abduction elements.
- Synopsis: it's all about Wesley Snipes kickin some alien asses.
- Alternate synopsis: It's like wrong turn but with aliens.

Number of ratings: 9
Strange unclassifiable sci-fi which melts typical teen slasher clichรฉs with alien invasion and alien abduction elements.
- Synopsis: it's all about Wesley Snipes kickin some alien asses.
- Alternate synopsis: It's like wrong turn but with aliens.

Number of ratings: 9
Stephen's rating:

Interesting and almost unknown flick from the Italian cult director Pupi Avati (the house with the laughing windows).

Numbers of ratings: 11

Numbers of ratings: 11
Stephen's rating:

Arrival II (1998)
My personal nominee for: "worst sequel ever" and "worst sci-fi" too.
- Bad Things: plot, screenplay, photography, acting, direction, special effects
- Good things: can't find

Number of ratings: 13
- Bad Things: plot, screenplay, photography, acting, direction, special effects
- Good things: can't find

Number of ratings: 13
Stephen's rating:

Creepozoids (1987)
From the notorious producer and director David Decoteau featuring acclaimed b-movies scream queen Linnea Quigley.
Here we have, again and again, the usual bunch of idiot fellows in a not well defined post apocalyptic world struggling to survive against famelic rats. Giant creature. Kinda zombies. Baby monster. What a mess.
- Similar movies: Rats - Notte di terrore

Number of ratings: 13
Here we have, again and again, the usual bunch of idiot fellows in a not well defined post apocalyptic world struggling to survive against famelic rats. Giant creature. Kinda zombies. Baby monster. What a mess.
- Similar movies: Rats - Notte di terrore

Number of ratings: 13
Stephen's rating:

An haunting, obcure, gloomy, post-apocalyptic cult flick that delivers tons of disease and anguish at every single frame.
-Similar movies: Quintet

-Number of ratings: 14
-Similar movies: Quintet

-Number of ratings: 14
Stephen's rating:

Let's bring back and discover from the sands of time this little canadian jewel.
Here we have - as usual - a bunch of losers fighting to survive in a post atomic full of violence wasteland riding an armored bulldozer.
Full entertaining and smart.
-Reccomandations: Don't care about the ultra-low rating,
this deserve a lot more.

-Number of ratings: 15
Here we have - as usual - a bunch of losers fighting to survive in a post atomic full of violence wasteland riding an armored bulldozer.
Full entertaining and smart.
-Reccomandations: Don't care about the ultra-low rating,
this deserve a lot more.

-Number of ratings: 15
Stephen's rating:

The Depraved (2011)
The usual gang of young stupid fellows takes an horrorific journey throu the underground of Berlin.
-Similar movies: Diggery, As above so below, Creep

Number of ratings: 15
-Similar movies: Diggery, As above so below, Creep

Number of ratings: 15
Stephen's rating:

It's hard to describe in few lines
all the beauty enclosed in this obscure, trippy
new Zealander flick. So just go find and watch it.

Number of ratings: 19
all the beauty enclosed in this obscure, trippy
new Zealander flick. So just go find and watch it.

Number of ratings: 19
Stephen's rating:

A ridicoulus bunch of idiot fellows is heavily hunted by an equally ridicolous horde of rats. Into an unlikely post apocalictic world, obviusly.
- Fun facts: you can easily guess how rats are literally thrown by hands against these losers.
- Notable scenes: features one of the most ridicolous non-sense final twist ever.

Number of ratings: 24
- Fun facts: you can easily guess how rats are literally thrown by hands against these losers.
- Notable scenes: features one of the most ridicolous non-sense final twist ever.

Number of ratings: 24
Stephen's rating:

Steel Dawn (1988)
Swayze playing the dumb brother of Mad Max
with fantastic plastic swords.
-Similar movies: A boy and his dog, Mad Max

Number of ratings: 31
with fantastic plastic swords.
-Similar movies: A boy and his dog, Mad Max

Number of ratings: 31
Stephen's rating:

Forbidden World (1982)
50% Alien + 30% The thing + 15% Split second + 5% Silent running / Cheap producion = this movie.
And it's actually good.

Number of ratings: 32
And it's actually good.

Number of ratings: 32
Stephen's rating:

- Beware! this list can hurt -
Forgotten and unknown flicks i have seen.
Some deserve more attention, other are definetly rubbish.
Rules to be here:
1 Very low number of ratings (under 50)
2 I have seen it
Short films will not be incuded.
I will periodically update cause i have a lot of stuff to throw in the cauldron.
- ordered by number of ratings -
Forgotten and unknown flicks i have seen.
Some deserve more attention, other are definetly rubbish.
Rules to be here:
1 Very low number of ratings (under 50)
2 I have seen it
Short films will not be incuded.
I will periodically update cause i have a lot of stuff to throw in the cauldron.
- ordered by number of ratings -
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