My top 10 actors and actresses
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So well.. Natalie Dormer is my top of the top. :) I fell in love with her in Tudors which brings me that its even my most favorite role of her. She was brilliant and I can't imagine better Anne Boleyn than her. Oh and did I mention her beauty? She is the most beautiful woman in the whole world for me.
Milie's rating:
Ahhh Christoph Waltz. This dude is just crazy and so brilliant. I love his role, especially in Inglourious Bastards or Django. He can play completly bastards so well. And if we speak about favorite role? For sure Inglourious Bastards.
Milie's rating:
List of my favorite roles of Angelina Jolie would be so long. She can appear everywhere and I will always like her even if its really shitty movie but hey.. She doesnt even have really shitty movie. And I was going through my most favorite role and I would say that it is Mrs. Smith. I crazily addicted to this movie and her.
Milie's rating:
I just love these people and I need to watch most movies with them!
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