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Shosanna Dreyfus - Inglourious Basterds
"My name is Shosanna Dreyfus and THIS is the face... of Jewish vengeance!"
henrik4075's rating:

Jenny - An Education
"It's funny though, isn't it? All that poetry and all those songs, about something that lasts no time at all."
Honorable Mentions:
Carol Slayman - Public Enemies
henrik4075's rating:

henrik4075's rating:

Bridget von Hammersmark - Inglourious Basterds
"I know this is a silly question before I ask it, but can you Americans speak any other language besides English?"
henrik4075's rating:

Julia Child - Julie & Julia
"These damn things are as hot as a stiff cock!"
Honorable Mentions:
Jane Adler - It's Complicated
henrik4075's rating:

Charley - A Single Man
"I have you, and if you weren't such a God damned poof we could have all been happy!"
henrik4075's rating:

Summer - 500 Days of Summer
"So, what if I'd gone to the movies? What if I had gone somewhere else for lunch? What if I'd gotten there 10 minutes later? It was, it was meant to be. And... I just kept thinking... Tom was right. It just wasn't me that you were right about."
henrik4075's rating:

Julie Powell - Julie & Julia
"Last night, our sleep machine, the one we have by our bed to drown out the noise of freight trucks rumbling past our apartment, was speaking to me. And it was saying, lobster killer. Lobster killer, lobster killer, lobster killer."
henrik4075's rating:

henrik4075's rating:

Esther - Orphan
"If I find out that you're lying, I'll cut your hairless little prick off before you even figure out what it's for. Do you understand me?"
henrik4075's rating:

Judith Gopnik - A Serious Man
"You know the problems you and I have been having. Well, Sy and I have become very close. In short, I think it's time to start talking about a divorce."
henrik4075's rating:

Needy Lesnicky - Jennifer's Body
"You know what? You were never really a good friend. Even when we were little, you used to steal my toys and pour lemonade on my bed."
henrik4075's rating:

Brooke Cavendar - Whip It
"So enlighten me. What was that little stunt all about? Are you trying to sabotage your chances? Or was it just your biological urge to make your mother look like a jackass?"
henrik4075's rating:

henrik4075's rating:

henrik4075's rating:

henrik4075's rating:

henrik4075's rating:

Neytiri - Avatar
"Our great mother does not take sides, Jake; she protects the balance of life."
Honorable Mentions:
Uhura - Star Trek
henrik4075's rating:

Em Lewin - Adventureland
"Well, you know, my dad's a lawyer. It's been his life-long dream for his daughter to work at Adventureland."
henrik4075's rating:

EDITORS NOTE: I know Elliot Page has transitioned now, but they still identified as female in 2010, so it only felt right to put the performances here. His performances post transition will of course go on the male list. Just wanted to clear that up in case there were some confusion.
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