My 15 Favourite Horror Films.
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Dead Ringers (1988)
A huge fan of Cronenberg. To me, this remains his most chilling piece.
RomanCastevet's rating:

Hellraiser (1987)
The first entry in the long running franchise still manages to retain some class.
RomanCastevet's rating:

A sucker for a sob story, I'd take Spacek to the prom any day.
RomanCastevet's rating:

A real classic. You can always count on Donald Sutherland.
RomanCastevet's rating:

The Wicker Man (1973)
A good film stands up to repeated viewings. A great film has a catchy folk soundtrack to go with it.
RomanCastevet's rating:

Nothing like a different take on a classic story.
RomanCastevet's rating:

28 Days Later (2002)
The opening of scenes of an empty London never fail to impress.
RomanCastevet's rating:

A Tale of Two Sisters (2003) (2003)
One of the best in the Asian horror boom.
RomanCastevet's rating: