Movies I watched in April 2019
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Only God Forgives (2013)

Date: 4/1/2019
Viewed: Netflix
First Viewing
Note: People seem to hate this movie, but I really enjoy it. The movie is flawed, but I thought it was a interesting take on the revenge film genre. I thought the story was interesting and the pacing was perfect. The movie didn't seem to over stay its welcome or go by too fast. I also love the color scheme and the gritty atmosphere. This movie may not be for everyone, but I do think it is worth checking out.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

Kes (1969)

Date: 4/3/2019
Viewed: In Class
Note: I haven't seen this movie since I was a little kid. It's a good movie with great acting and a well-told story. The movie goes on for a bit long, but I did enjoy watching. Not my favorite movie, but still worth checking out if you haven't seen it yet.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

Date: 4/4/2019
Viewed: Amazon Prime (Rental)
First viewing
Note: I loved this movie because I love the animation and the story. The voice acting was great and the characters are very good. I love it when animated movies do something creative and new similar to how Waking Life did back in 2001. The oil painting art style is wonderful to look at and really capture the tone of the story. I also love the movie is open for the viewer to decide if was it suicide or murder? I highly recommend this movie.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

Network (1976)

Date: 4/5/2019
Viewed: Blu-Ray
Note: It's amazing how the movie is still relevant after so many years. This movie is a great satire of the Television industry given how the TV networks are addicted to ratings. This movie does a great job of covering how greedy and selfish people can be in the entertainment industry. The movie also has great acting and can be rather funny at times. I highly recommend this movie if you never have seen it before.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

Shazam! (2019)

Date: 4/6/2019
Viewed: In Theaters
First Viewing
Note: This movie was a mixed bag in my opinion. Some of the jokes and story moments made me cringe. The humor can be both funny and painful to sit through. Zachary Levi absolutely kills it as Shazam and the other cast members did a good job. I also feel like the run time for the movie is way too long. This movie didn't need to be over 2 hours long. It's not a terrible movie, but far from great.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

Date: 4/7/2019
Viewed: Blu-Ray
Note: Not Martin Scorsese's best movie, but still a solid movie. You can tell that Martian Scorsese has improved in the next few years when he does Taxi Driver later in the 1970s. I really like the characters in this movie and the story. The atmosphere in this movie is wonderful and makes you feel like you are living in the 70s. Overall, Mean Streets is a nice time capsule of the 1970s and it is always cool to see what Scorsese did before Taxi Driver. I recommend this movie if you haven't seen it yet.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

Pet Sematary (1989)

Date: 4/8/2019
Viewed: Amazon Prime
Note: I decided to rewatch the original Pet Sematary movie before I see the remake/new adaption soon. While the movie can be a bit cheesy at times and the acting is pretty hammy, it's still a good movie. I do like the creepy atmosphere that this movie has and the main characters are likable. The movies do a decent job on the philosophical points on the dead should be left alone. Not a perfect movie, but I still had a lot of fun rewatching it. I recommended this movie if you haven't seen it yet.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

Hellboy II: The Golden Army (2008)

Date: 4/9/2019
Viewed: Blu-Ray
Note: The last time I saw this movie was back in 2008 when I got it on DVD for Christmas (I saw it before when it first came out in theaters). The movie is an improvement over the first movie but still feels water down from the source material. I do think that the characters are much better in this movie compare to the first movie and the special effects are still great. However, some of the comedy is not very good.
If you enjoy the first Hellboy movie, you should enjoy this one. Too bad we never got Hellboy 3, but I did think the movie had a nice ending to it.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

Date: 4/10/2019
Viewed: First Viewing
In Class
Note: This was a very good TV movie. I love the dark and raw grittiness that this movie has. It really captures the mood that this movie is going for. Tim Roth did a good job on playing a Neo-Nazi and he was able to pull off it very well. His role can be very creepy at times seeing how realistic this movie can be. I highly recommend this movie.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

8MM (1999)

Date: 4/11/2019
Viewed: Amazon Prime (Rental)
Note: An underrated movie that still holds up after 20 years later. I love the dark, gritty and realistic atmosphere that this movie was because it really captures the tone and mood of the story. Not to mention, I have always been into urban legends like snuff films and underground pornography. I found myself being hooked into the dark imagery that this movie has. I highly recommend this film.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

Hellboy (2019)

Date: 4/12/2019
Viewed: In Theaters
First Viewing
Note: I'm a big fan of the Hellboy comics and I was hyped for an R rated Hellboy movie. While the movie is not that great, it was not terrible. David Harbour does a pretty good job as Hellboy and I like the other cast of characters. The movie feels more like the comics in tone and content than the older Hellboy movies did. However, the story is a hot mess and has way too many plot points going on.
I would only recommend this movie for a rental unless you are a fan of the comics or enjoy gory action movies.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

Pet Sematary (2019)

Date: 4/13/2019
Viewed: In Theaters
First Viewing
Note: A surprisingly good movie. The movie did changes that I was not too crazy about, but I still felt like it was a solid movie. The acting was very good and I really like the atmosphere that this movie had. I still like the original a bit more, but I still recommend this movie.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

Destroy All Monsters (1968)

Date: 4/14/2019
Viewed: The Criterion Channel
Note: I haven't seen this movie in over 20 years since it was on VHS. This movie is still a lot of fun to watch from start to finish. The human characters could have been better, but the monster scenes are always enjoyable. Seeing all of the monsters on the loose destroying major cities brings a smile on my face and the final fight scene is totally worth the wait.
The practical effects are really good too. The movie is worth checking out if you are a fan of the series.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

Date: 4/16/2019
Viewed: Blu-Ray
Note: My second favorite movie from Hayao Miyazaki next to Nausicaรค of the Valley of the Wind. The animation, story, characters, music, and humor is top notch. You don't need to be familiar with the Lupin series to enjoy this movie. I highly recommend this movie.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

Stitches (2012)

Date: 4/17/2019
Viewed: Netflix
First Viewing
Note: I remember hearing about this movie when it first came out, but never saw it until recently. While it's nothing great, I did had fun watching it. Good special effects, great kills, and some funny jokes. I thought everything else was pretty predictable and most of the characters are bland. The movie is worth checking out if you enjoy killer clown movies.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

Date: 4/18/2019
Viewed: Blu-Ray (Red Box Rental)
First Viewing
Note: Despite some minor plot holes, I thought this movie was great. It was a nice way to wrap up the Eastrail 177 Trilogy. I wish David had more of a character arc, but it was great to see James McAvovy back. If you enjoy Unbreakable and Split, you will probably enjoy Glass.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

Date: 4/19/2019
Viewed: Blu-Ray
Note: One of my favorite samurai movies not from Akira Kurosawa and probably the best movie in the series. The action is top notch and the cinematography is beautiful to look at. The story and characters are faithful to the manga and probably is the best live action adaption of an anime & manga. The movie has a lot of great character moments and does a good job covering the themes of the depiction of human nature. I highly recommend this movie.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

Deathgasm (2015)

Date: 4/20/2019
Viewed: Amazon Prime
First Viewing
Note: One of my co-workers recommended this movie to me and I really enjoy this movie. This movie is nothing award-winning, but I love the over the top violence and the music that this movie has. Some of the blood is CG, but you do get a lot of great practical effects in this movie. The movie is so much fun to watch by seeing everyone killing demons. I recommended this movie to anyone who enjoys gore films.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

Watership Down (1978)

Date: 4/21/2019
Viewed: Blu-Ray
Note: I haven't seen this movie in over 20 years and I felt like it was a good choice to watch for Easter. This is still a great movie that has amazing animation, good characters, and a very well told story. The movie deals with a lot of good themes for a movie that was made for kids and families. While the last part of the movie can be pretty bloody, the rest of the movie is tame by today's standers. I highly recommend this movie for both kids and adults.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

Date: 4/28/2019
Viewed: Amazon Prime (Rental)
First Viewing
Note: I haven't watched many movies lately due to work and playing Mortal Kombat 11 lately.
I wanted to check out this movie for a long time now because I like Gus Van Sant's work. I end up loving this movie from start to finish. I love all of the characters and I found the whole movie to be pretty relaxing to watch. They also did a great job of telling a really good story as well. I highly recommend this film.
AVPGuyver21's rating:

The Proposition (2005)

Date: 4/30/2019
Viewed: Tubi
First Viewing
Note: I remember the advertisements for this movie when I was in High School, but I never saw it until now. This was a great movie because I really love the dark, gritty and realistic tone that this movie has. The movie also has great acting and very good character devoplment. This is probably one of my favorite Guy Pearce movies, along with Ravenous, Memento and L.A. Confidential. I highly recommend this film!
AVPGuyver21's rating:

The movies that I watch during the month of April in 2019
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