Movie diary September 2013
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Iron Man 3 (2013)
Watched 04.09
Uhhh... the summer action movies are so boring sometimes. If you are the fan of Ironman then you might love it, but I have watched the first one (plus Avengers) and I had enought of Tony Stark movies. Honestly, the most ridicilous thing in this was the the story, I mean the president of United States must be very exhausted to be saved all the time from the terrorists (suprise-suprise who are now americans! where were Avengers?). The villain wasn't just ... there, I prefered that hilarious Mandarin dude. Patrow was strange in this, I like her much more in small indie films. OK, but I liked the dialog and there were some funny moments.
Anyhow, I just wished that the story around so exciting and strong (he has the iron suit, lol) character have been fresher.

Uhhh... the summer action movies are so boring sometimes. If you are the fan of Ironman then you might love it, but I have watched the first one (plus Avengers) and I had enought of Tony Stark movies. Honestly, the most ridicilous thing in this was the the story, I mean the president of United States must be very exhausted to be saved all the time from the terrorists (suprise-suprise who are now americans! where were Avengers?). The villain wasn't just ... there, I prefered that hilarious Mandarin dude. Patrow was strange in this, I like her much more in small indie films. OK, but I liked the dialog and there were some funny moments.
Anyhow, I just wished that the story around so exciting and strong (he has the iron suit, lol) character have been fresher.
Kollane Ö:'s rating:

Every Little Step (2008)
Watched 16.09
documentary about Broadway musical "A Chorus Line".
documentary about Broadway musical "A Chorus Line".
Kollane Ö:'s rating: