A movie fly victim's movie fever
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Suddenly I just feel like watching some newer movies (plus other movies I may have already seen, but want to rewatch), and well, I haven't been watching new releases in ages without a couple of exceptions, so this list is about to see what all kinds of movies I will have watched during this "fever" I have gotten.
Listed in the order that I have watched the movies
fever started 1st of July
The Hobbit was an incredible start
Spider-man triggered me to watch more of the new superhero movies
during my first week stumbled on Harry Potters, and had never seen the last ones, so rewatched some of the newer ones which I had last seen eons ago and completed it, not bad, not bad, though I'd expect the books to be better. and the end fight was exactly like any other one, point the other with wand and the spells hit against each other until... well yay for them.
Watched The Avengers related films, Iron Man was clearly outshining Thor aand especially Captain America, his shield is cool, but that's not enough for a 2 hour movie. The build up was somewhat interesting though, Hugo Weaving trying somehow to rescue the film.
I had bought Dirge of Cerberus, so I figured might want to refresh my memory by watching Advent Children, maybe even better than the first time I saw it, I was still young and didn't really get what was going on.
The Avengers was very entertaining, and it would be great to see a Hulk film with Mark Ruffalo, puny god, hahahahahaha!
16th and 17th watched Cloud Atlas with my loved one, it was so long that we continued it the next night. What a fantastic film full of surprises.
After a bit of Tarantino fun, seeing the new Django, and his older ones, have been supposed to watch Jackie Brown many times, but never did until now despite countless chances.
Quest for horror started with Alien, and I plan to watch the whole saga soon, creepy creatures.
Stumbled upon the extended version of Return of the King, and wondered if i could find the other extended versions too, so once again watched the amazing trilogy that I can watch millions of times, and this time extended, which surprised me a lot was that the credits always take 20 minutes of the film, now that's a lot of crediting. Running time of the extended versions, over 10 hours of fantasy adventure war madness. Love it.
Watched a couple of movies with my dear, she's really into Asian dramas/movies so that explains this one random movie, it was surprisingly funny.
Warm Bodies was next and... well, I've never seen such a terrible zombie movie before, although I could say it was somewhat original as a how-to-steal-someones-girlfriend movie, poor fellow.
I was impressed by Carrie how simple the movie is, and yet it was great with building up the atmosphere towards the end, though I don't ever want to watch this movie again, I got so sick of hearing that "durr urr gunna raugh @ uuh" over and over, that one time is enough for me, thanks for that De Palma.
The last movie we watched that day was Spring Breakers... and god it was awful, some of her friend had recommended the film to her, it was just unexplainable how bad it was, not even the boobs were interesting in this film. I would have given it 0 stars, but then my rating would not have counted.
Then I thought later that I haven't watched an action film in a long time, a pure action film, no witty stuff, just shooting and moving, and that was exactly what Crank was, it was a delightful watch.
For some reason Alien 3 was the only movie (excluding the first AVP) from the Alien franchise that I had seen before, and well... it was worse than I remembered, I'm not sure if Resurrection will be worth it.
Wanted to feel a bit of nostalgic once more and I noticed Die Hards, and the first one is a real action masterpiece, the bad guys don't die in extravagant ways, the only thing to bother me was how slow of a gunslinger Alan Rickman was (as well as almost every other villain) in the hostage situation, oh well, I guess that's how things are supposed to be. Oh, also, "Helsinki Syndrome", ROFL, made my day, I had totally forgotten that one.
In Die Hard 2, McClane becomes MacGyver and kills the whole scumbag collection with an itty bitty light, it was also a fun rewatch.
I remember when I first saw Dogma on VHS when I was maybe 10 years old, it made me wtf so much that I loved it, now that I saw it again, it's still good fun, although these days barely nothing surprises me anymore like things did as an innocent elementary kiddo.
I Love You Phillip Morris... I was interested to see how Jim Carrey would act as a gay, but I kind of misunderstood the movie, I had gotten an impression that the movie was going to be a comedy, but as to my surprise it was much more of a romantic drama. And it was really believable, Ewan McGregor was sogay and uke. I thought it was actually a sweet movie, after falling in love myself I have grown to like romantic stuff.
Years ago, I did not watch horror movies at all, I had been traumatized as a kid by my sisters and neighbors who ganged up on me and scared the shit out of me that I locked myself inside toilet and screamed and cried. But one Halloween I decided with one of my friend to watch The Exorcist, since it was going to air on TV, well, it is a really outdated film after all, so it managed to make me laugh more and make me not scared at all, and I started to think, so this is what people call one of the terrifying films of all time, well I'll be damned. After The Exorcist came Saw, and we watched that as well, and I liked it a lot, it was clever and scary, I started to get interested in the horror genre, and now years later I thought I'd watch the rest of the series since they stopped airing them on telly after Saw II. I was going to think they would get just plain terrible after the third one, but I was gladly surprised, although in V it started to lose its touch, maybe because the director changed.
And sadly, while I was watching the films, on the 1st of August, my movies contributor decided to die on me, so I guess this is the end of my spree, I hope some day it will be revived and I get to enjoy another load of films. It was fun, 39 movies in one month, I have never watched this many.
Listed in the order that I have watched the movies
fever started 1st of July
The Hobbit was an incredible start
Spider-man triggered me to watch more of the new superhero movies
during my first week stumbled on Harry Potters, and had never seen the last ones, so rewatched some of the newer ones which I had last seen eons ago and completed it, not bad, not bad, though I'd expect the books to be better. and the end fight was exactly like any other one, point the other with wand and the spells hit against each other until... well yay for them.
Watched The Avengers related films, Iron Man was clearly outshining Thor aand especially Captain America, his shield is cool, but that's not enough for a 2 hour movie. The build up was somewhat interesting though, Hugo Weaving trying somehow to rescue the film.
I had bought Dirge of Cerberus, so I figured might want to refresh my memory by watching Advent Children, maybe even better than the first time I saw it, I was still young and didn't really get what was going on.
The Avengers was very entertaining, and it would be great to see a Hulk film with Mark Ruffalo, puny god, hahahahahaha!
16th and 17th watched Cloud Atlas with my loved one, it was so long that we continued it the next night. What a fantastic film full of surprises.
After a bit of Tarantino fun, seeing the new Django, and his older ones, have been supposed to watch Jackie Brown many times, but never did until now despite countless chances.
Quest for horror started with Alien, and I plan to watch the whole saga soon, creepy creatures.
Stumbled upon the extended version of Return of the King, and wondered if i could find the other extended versions too, so once again watched the amazing trilogy that I can watch millions of times, and this time extended, which surprised me a lot was that the credits always take 20 minutes of the film, now that's a lot of crediting. Running time of the extended versions, over 10 hours of fantasy adventure war madness. Love it.
Watched a couple of movies with my dear, she's really into Asian dramas/movies so that explains this one random movie, it was surprisingly funny.
Warm Bodies was next and... well, I've never seen such a terrible zombie movie before, although I could say it was somewhat original as a how-to-steal-someones-girlfriend movie, poor fellow.
I was impressed by Carrie how simple the movie is, and yet it was great with building up the atmosphere towards the end, though I don't ever want to watch this movie again, I got so sick of hearing that "durr urr gunna raugh @ uuh" over and over, that one time is enough for me, thanks for that De Palma.
The last movie we watched that day was Spring Breakers... and god it was awful, some of her friend had recommended the film to her, it was just unexplainable how bad it was, not even the boobs were interesting in this film. I would have given it 0 stars, but then my rating would not have counted.
Then I thought later that I haven't watched an action film in a long time, a pure action film, no witty stuff, just shooting and moving, and that was exactly what Crank was, it was a delightful watch.
For some reason Alien 3 was the only movie (excluding the first AVP) from the Alien franchise that I had seen before, and well... it was worse than I remembered, I'm not sure if Resurrection will be worth it.
Wanted to feel a bit of nostalgic once more and I noticed Die Hards, and the first one is a real action masterpiece, the bad guys don't die in extravagant ways, the only thing to bother me was how slow of a gunslinger Alan Rickman was (as well as almost every other villain) in the hostage situation, oh well, I guess that's how things are supposed to be. Oh, also, "Helsinki Syndrome", ROFL, made my day, I had totally forgotten that one.
In Die Hard 2, McClane becomes MacGyver and kills the whole scumbag collection with an itty bitty light, it was also a fun rewatch.
I remember when I first saw Dogma on VHS when I was maybe 10 years old, it made me wtf so much that I loved it, now that I saw it again, it's still good fun, although these days barely nothing surprises me anymore like things did as an innocent elementary kiddo.
I Love You Phillip Morris... I was interested to see how Jim Carrey would act as a gay, but I kind of misunderstood the movie, I had gotten an impression that the movie was going to be a comedy, but as to my surprise it was much more of a romantic drama. And it was really believable, Ewan McGregor was sogay and uke. I thought it was actually a sweet movie, after falling in love myself I have grown to like romantic stuff.
Years ago, I did not watch horror movies at all, I had been traumatized as a kid by my sisters and neighbors who ganged up on me and scared the shit out of me that I locked myself inside toilet and screamed and cried. But one Halloween I decided with one of my friend to watch The Exorcist, since it was going to air on TV, well, it is a really outdated film after all, so it managed to make me laugh more and make me not scared at all, and I started to think, so this is what people call one of the terrifying films of all time, well I'll be damned. After The Exorcist came Saw, and we watched that as well, and I liked it a lot, it was clever and scary, I started to get interested in the horror genre, and now years later I thought I'd watch the rest of the series since they stopped airing them on telly after Saw II. I was going to think they would get just plain terrible after the third one, but I was gladly surprised, although in V it started to lose its touch, maybe because the director changed.
And sadly, while I was watching the films, on the 1st of August, my movies contributor decided to die on me, so I guess this is the end of my spree, I hope some day it will be revived and I get to enjoy another load of films. It was fun, 39 movies in one month, I have never watched this many.
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