This list was created with predictions by Stephen H. Koontz
This is still another crazy year to try and predict nominations for this; with many pictures still getting pushed. At least it's a more interesting year with a little more life in these movies, thus I'm a little more interested than last year...
Created AUGUST 2021
I make predictions before anyone should and I do NOT ever change them. Look for an update in February 2022.
This is still another crazy year to try and predict nominations for this; with many pictures still getting pushed. At least it's a more interesting year with a little more life in these movies, thus I'm a little more interested than last year...
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Reasons for Prediction: It's got a prestige cast with a prestige director who has written a very personal story... and it may be shot in black and white...
Reasons for Prediction: Stars Joquin Phoenix in a Mike Mills movie, who has made only Oscar-worthy films and seems to be at the right trajectory in his career to get a best-picture nomination.
Reasons for Prediction: Stars two Oscar-attracting Jessica Chastain and Andrew Garfield in a true American story, good bait for an Oscar.
Reasons for Prediction: It seems like the more likely nomination out of the two Ridley Scott movies (second being 'The Last Detail') with a cast and crew full of Oscar pedigree.
Reasons for Prediction: Stars Will Smith who has been fighting to get an Oscar for years and this could be the outlet that also gets it's own nom, as it is also a true American story, good bait for an Oscar.
Reasons for Prediction: Guillermo Del Toro's follow-up to his Oscar-winning "The Shape of Water" ... and it happens to have a killer cast with lots of Oscar nominations or have been in a lot of Oscar-nominated pictures.
Reasons for Prediction: The Academy loves Jane Campion and she hasn't had a film in a while, so there is a lot of salivating going on.
Reasons for Prediction: Sean Baker seems to be primed for his film to have an Oscar nomination. Plus, this seems like the perfect dark horse based on its odd story, odd casting choice in Simon Rex and his likely very low budget.
Reasons for Prediction: Well, it's Spielberg, a musical, and hopefully a worthy remake. If it is worthy then an Oscar nomination seems quite likely.
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