Game Completion Tracker - 2021
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Don't Necessarily Have An End

Already Beaten
The Amazing Spider-Man - Xbox 360
100% in-game completion + all the achievements (46/46)
- the game has a nice style, is very unique for a Spider-Man
- a really liked the story in this one and the artistic
liberties they took with some of the villains
- A lot of references to other villains in Whitney Chang's
- a lot of great ideas...
- ...but not so great executions (good thing they revisited a
lot of this ideas for the Marvel's Spider-Man game on the
- the swing mechanics is baaaad as hell, the camera is stick
on spidey's back, so it gives A LOT of motion sickness
- 700 goddamn comic book pages to colect my god
I remember hating this game when it came out, but is really not that bad (except for the web swing, is probably the worst in all Spider-Man games), I had a good time with the story missions, but I dont think I'll ever want to complete this one 100% again
Final score: 7/10
100% in-game completion + all the achievements (46/46)
- the game has a nice style, is very unique for a Spider-Man
- a really liked the story in this one and the artistic
liberties they took with some of the villains
- A lot of references to other villains in Whitney Chang's
- a lot of great ideas...
- ...but not so great executions (good thing they revisited a
lot of this ideas for the Marvel's Spider-Man game on the
- the swing mechanics is baaaad as hell, the camera is stick
on spidey's back, so it gives A LOT of motion sickness
- 700 goddamn comic book pages to colect my god
I remember hating this game when it came out, but is really not that bad (except for the web swing, is probably the worst in all Spider-Man games), I had a good time with the story missions, but I dont think I'll ever want to complete this one 100% again
Final score: 7/10
patocouto's rating:

LEGO: Marvel Super Heroes - Xbox 360
100% in-game completion + all the achievements (45/45)
- One of the most amazing open worlds for the time it came out
- Still one of the best renditions of New York on video-games
- The story is pretty solid
- The level design is one of the best on the Lego franchise
(at least that I've played)
- All the characters that everyone loves and some that are
pretty obscure even today
- Some characters play identical to others
- Some really anoying bugs
This was the first Lego game that I've played since Lego Batman on the PS2, and I had a lot of fun with this one!! Looking foward to play the sequel and other newer Lego games
Final Score: 7/10
100% in-game completion + all the achievements (45/45)
- One of the most amazing open worlds for the time it came out
- Still one of the best renditions of New York on video-games
- The story is pretty solid
- The level design is one of the best on the Lego franchise
(at least that I've played)
- All the characters that everyone loves and some that are
pretty obscure even today
- Some characters play identical to others
- Some really anoying bugs
This was the first Lego game that I've played since Lego Batman on the PS2, and I had a lot of fun with this one!! Looking foward to play the sequel and other newer Lego games
Final Score: 7/10
patocouto's rating:

Assassin's Creed - Xbox 360
100% in-game completion + all the achievements (44/44)
- I love the historical bits on the Assassins Creed franchise
- The cities that you visit are pretty immersive
- The parkour is already fun
- Altair and Desmond are two very boring protagonists
- The cities, although immersive, are very similar to each
other and everything fell like it blend together after some
- The controls are very finicky and stify
- The combat is not the best on this one
- Gameplay is pretty repetitive
- I love collectables, but I hate with all my soul when it's 500 collectables that don't appear on the map and you don't have any in-game way to help you find it
I got to know the Assassins Creed franchise through the Brotherhood game and played pretty much every game that came after it, but I had never played the ones before it. I was surprised to see that the foundation of the franchise was there and that, both the parkour, which was as fun as it is today (despite needing polishing) and the concept of the Animus,was already quite good. Despite the history of both Altair and Desmond in this game didn't catch my attention, some questionable choices regarding collectibles and somewhat repetitive missions, the game is pretty solid.
Final Score: 6.5/10
100% in-game completion + all the achievements (44/44)
- I love the historical bits on the Assassins Creed franchise
- The cities that you visit are pretty immersive
- The parkour is already fun
- Altair and Desmond are two very boring protagonists
- The cities, although immersive, are very similar to each
other and everything fell like it blend together after some
- The controls are very finicky and stify
- The combat is not the best on this one
- Gameplay is pretty repetitive
- I love collectables, but I hate with all my soul when it's 500 collectables that don't appear on the map and you don't have any in-game way to help you find it
I got to know the Assassins Creed franchise through the Brotherhood game and played pretty much every game that came after it, but I had never played the ones before it. I was surprised to see that the foundation of the franchise was there and that, both the parkour, which was as fun as it is today (despite needing polishing) and the concept of the Animus,was already quite good. Despite the history of both Altair and Desmond in this game didn't catch my attention, some questionable choices regarding collectibles and somewhat repetitive missions, the game is pretty solid.
Final Score: 6.5/10
patocouto's rating:

Games I'm playing and the ones I've beated or completed in 2021 (I'm not fluent in english, so I already sorry for any misspell ^^' )