Foodie's Top 15 Female Marvel Characters
My top 15 female Marvel characters from the MCU, original comics, non MCU movies, and Agents of SHIELD tv show.
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Spider-Woman comics: My top pick from her original 1970's comics. One time Spider-Woman beat up Nick Fury and then blew up a HYDRA base and smashed a HYDRA leader's airplane into a mountain before quitting HYDRA and it was the greatest thing ever to show up in a comic book. Still waiting to see her show up in one of the movies or on Agents of SHIELD. She is epic.
MCU and Agent Carter show: First seen in Captain America: The First Avenger and now she has her own show. She is the Constant of the MCU. In its own way, the MCU tells the story of her entire life, in bits and pieces.
Ant-Man comics: Janet van Dyne-sassy, silly, the perfect foil for the stodgy and stoic Hank Pym in the original 1960's comics. She is awesome!
Agents of SHIELD: The Cavalry. Do I really even need to explain what makes her so cool? She is perfection. That is all.
Fantastic Four comics: The original, 1960's version. People might think she had a passive/weak power, but I like to think it's amazing that she was included at all. There was no need for Marvel to include a woman in the FF lineup at that time so I commend them for including her in the first place.
Ant-Man movie: Daughter of Hank Pym and Janet van Dyne. Has a lot of potential...Plus she's played by "Freckles" from Lost, so you know she's cool because of that!
X-Men franchise: Brainy(literally) but also kick-ass. This is a combination we don't get to see a lot in female characters. They're usually one or the other, but not both.
Iron-Man comics and MCU: I love both versions of Pepper. Comic book Pepper ends up with Happy, movie version ends up with Tony. Neither take crap from anybody.
MCU: Though the original comic Black Widow is fun too, I think I ultimately prefer the movie version. I do like that she's not a super-powered superheroine. She uses her wits and abilities to their highest capacity and survives to see another day. Somewhat like Peggy Carter, we also get to see different sides of her. Sometimes softer, sometimes fun and even silly, as well as serious and hardworking. Unpopular opinion: I actually don't mind the idea of her with Bruce.
Thor franchise and Agents of SHIELD: What's not to love about her? She kicks butt and still manages to maintain a bit of her femininity. Totally a Gryffindor.
X-Men franchise: I like both young and older Mystique. I think for a "villain" she has a lot of reasoning behind it. She's my only "villain" on this list.
Thor franchise: I prefer this Jane to original comic Jane who was a meek and mild nurse to Dr. Donald Blake. This Jane is brainy and uses her knowledge to help out Thor. She might not have physical strength, but you don't need that to be strong.
X-Men franchise: I wish we could learn more about her in the films. She's woefully underused. I mean, she's played by Halle Barry for goodness sake! Use her more!!
Prince Namor: The Sub-Mariner original comics: Strong, yet catty. Got in an epic fight with and tried to kill Susan Storm over Prince Namor. Represents the soap opera side to comics that I think fanboys like to deny exists. But it soooo does...
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