Favourite RPG Video Games
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Showing 1-50 of 76
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Age of Wonders - PC Games
Okay, so not strictly RPG, but hero level up has elements of RPG gameplay and it feels like an RPG
olegingerbeard's rating:

Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance - PlayStation 2
Mainly on the list because of the split screen multiplayer option! Great fun to be had!
Breath of Fire III - PlayStation
What a game! One of my first "modern" rpg's I played. Great characters, great story, the master system was good, dragons are cool!
olegingerbeard's rating:

Dragon Age: Inquisition - PlayStation 4
Still playing this, I enjoy the war table missions especially!
olegingerbeard's rating:

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - PC Games
Outstanding when it first came out! Not so easy to get back in to though.
olegingerbeard's rating:

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - PC Games
Wowser! What to say! Still playing this, still finding new things, mods make it a fresh game again as well oh and the music! A gaming masterpiece!
olegingerbeard's rating:

Fable - Xbox
I was amazed by the first Fable game, One of the reasons to buy an original Xbox!
olegingerbeard's rating:

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A list of my favourite console and pc role-playing games (alphabetical)