Favorite TV shows
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my favorite of all the CSI's and defently the real one. I have never missed an epesode
Tamakeshi Renjji's rating:

House M.D. (2004)
entertaing, and well that's it there is know way to explain house, or well there is but my friend would ahve to type it and it would go on for ever ^^
Tamakeshi Renjji's rating:

CSI: NY (2004)
very good, but not so happy with the twist in it right now, shrugs*
Tamakeshi Renjji's rating:

good but not all the times i onl wathch it sometimes because of the acotrs who are in it.
Tamakeshi Renjji's rating:

Digimon: Digital Monsters (1999)
its the original digimon, which is also a bit of a copy of pokemon.
Animaniacs (1993)
personally, this wa a preety good show when i was lil, lol i wonder if i still laugh my guts out if i were to watchi it now???.
Tamakeshi Renjji's rating:

some of my favortie tv shows, although i think i could drag some of these out and make one for just crime shows ^^ lol.