Favorite movies
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The Dark Knight (2008)
I love this movie so much. Every aspect about it is absolutely spectacular. It gives me chills to watch Heath Ledger's performance. This is the best super hero movie ever. Plus in my opinion it is among the best movies ever made.

MomoFoShoYo's rating:

The Untouchables (1987)
This movie is also like Titanic. I read a few articles about this film and many complain how it could have been better than it was but I firmly disagree with them. I especially enjoy the scene in the train station.

MomoFoShoYo's rating:

I absolutely love this movie. Everything about this movie is amazing especially the end. The music score spectacular. I personally think Clint can do no wrong he's just an amazing actor.

MomoFoShoYo's rating:

Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
This movie is so much fun from start to finish. I liked the the first installment. I think this one has a better story and you get to connect with the characters more.

MomoFoShoYo's rating:

This is a collection of some of my favorite movies.