Favorite Games Per Year
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The first game I ever played. It actually belonged to my dad.

The year I got my first DS. I still remember it till this day. It was the best gift I have ever had. Leaf Green was my first game. With all my pain games helped much. They numbed the pain.

That year I had to pick between two games to be my favorite.Pokemon Fire Red I Iliteraly spent my life on. Sonic Rush was no different. My charazard was like level 90 something.

Pokemon Platinum was a game that everyone was looking forward too. When I got it for christmas in 2009 I loved it. It helped the pain of almost losing my mother to crones go along.

That year my prized ds broke. For a while there I xbox with cousin zander instead. Thats when I found Halo ODST. I just loved it. It has always been my favorite xbxo game and probably will forever.

This was the year I kinda went cuku for pc games. I had starcraft, fate, plants vs zombies, tekkit. But my all time favorite was minecraft.

I had been looking forward to this game all year and when new years eve came my parents gave it to me. Just Dance 4 has given me a great selection of songs and a great time.