The Filmmakers
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2001: A Space Odyssey
Barry Lyndon
The Shining
A Clockwork Orange
Eyes Wide Shut
Dr Strangelove
Barry Lyndon
The Shining
A Clockwork Orange
Eyes Wide Shut
Dr Strangelove
Aguirre the Wrath of God
Grizzly Man
Encounters at the End of the World
La Soufriere
Grizzly Man
Encounters at the End of the World
La Soufriere
w/ Ethan
The Big Lebowski
Barton Fink
No Country for Old Men
Inside Llewyn Davis
Buster Scruggs
The Big Lebowski
Barton Fink
No Country for Old Men
Inside Llewyn Davis
Buster Scruggs
The greatest filmmakers (not necessarily directors, but rather ranked by genius and genius contribution), in my opinion of course, along with a rough ranking of what I hold as their masterpieces in order of preference.