Favorite Arrow Characters
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Not so much favorites LOL

Laurel, I am always 50/50 on her, there are episodes where she annoys me and there are episodes where I think she is the greatest thing

RJ4's rating:

Felicity, can be very annoying and doesn't know when to shut up, but her past and the way she deals with the everyday ups and downs makes her one of the best

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I enjoyed Blood right as he came on the scene, i liked what he stands for and how he handles himself during the 2nd attack on Starling City

ROy, I always thought was a dopy teen, until he became the Red Hood and watched him develop into a pretty cool character

RJ4's rating:

Oh Tommy, how I miss thee, one of the funniest and coolest characters on the show, he was gone too soon

He developed into one of the most badass villians to date on the show, his screen presence is bar none

RJ4's rating:

I didn't like detective Lance at first, but then i realized how hurt he was deep inside and really took to his character and loved how he turned around on the Arrow

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"My girl" as the Arrow fans would say, her death was super shocking to me, especially in the first episode of Season 3, miss her deeply LOL

RJ4's rating:

IM only on Season 3, but I am catching up quickly, here are my favorites so far
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