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BradWesley123's Movie Journal- June 2010
Movie list created by BradWesley123 
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Showing 32 items
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June 1st

June 2nd

June 3rd

June 4th

June 5th

June 6th

June 8th

June 10th

June 12th

June 14th
The Wolfman (2010)

DVD- 1hr. 58min.
First Viewing
The actors are solid, and the makeup is truly great (it won an Oscar), but the script is so cluttered and clunky that it renders the positives redundant.
BradWesley123's rating:

June 15th
RocknRolla (2008)

DVD- 1hr. 55min.
First Viewing
A rollicking good time. Things do get a bit too convoluted at times, and there are too many characters, but neither take away from the overall good time.
BradWesley123's rating:

June 16th

June 17th

June 20th
The Happening (2008)

DVD- 1hr. 30min.
First Viewing
If they ever give out an award for fastest downward trajectory, M. Night Shyamalan will win in a landslide... only to find out that it's been Uwe Boll in a Shyamalan mask for fifteen years! TWIST!!!!! Also, the movie's just pure shit.
BradWesley123's rating:

June 21st

June 22nd

June 24th

June 25th

June 27th

June 28th

June 29th

June 30th
The Village (2004)

DVD- 1hr. 48min.
First Viewing
It's a proficient film on the technical side, possibly Shyamalan's best looking film, but it's just boring, with a twist that I saw coming a mile away, and that adds nothing to the film.
BradWesley123's rating:

Signs (2002)

DVD- 1hr. 46min.
First Viewing
This has always been a pretty divisive film, but I honestly think it's solid (sans the weak ending). I liked the slow build suspense, and the acting is pretty good.
BradWesley123's rating:

Number of Movies Watched: 32
Newly Watched: 7
DVD: 25
VHS: 7
Blu-Ray: 0
Streaming: 0
Time Spent: 58hrs. 4min.
Best New View: North By Northwest
Worst New View: The Happening
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8 votes
The Complete Wesley: 2010 Movie Journal
(11 lists)list by BradWesley123
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