Big Lipped Alligator Moments
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Throughout our childhoods we all witnessed a big lipped alligator moments. What's a big lipped alligator moment you may ask?
The term was first coined by The Nostalgia Chick in the "Ferngully" episode of The Nostalgia Critic, in which they did a duo review on (which is now on
A Big Lipped Alligator Moment refers to "the big lipped alligator scene from All Dogs Go To Heaven. This is named after the random musical number sung by a big lipped alligator towards the end of the film; a scene that comes right-the-fuck out of nowhere, has little to no bearing whatsoever in the plot, is way over the top in terms of ridiculousness (even in the context of the movie), and after it happens, no one ever speaks of it again."
However, in her All Dogs Go To Heaven review, The Nostalgia Chick was told several times the alligator does come back at the end. however, the song still counts as a BLAM because it is the only scene in which any of the characters acknowledge the gator's existence (bar a single line that Carface says during the end credits).
So this is the list of all those moments came out of nowhere in movies and TV specials. And no, I am not counting TV series because there are too many filler episodes in popular shows to be called a BLAM.
The term was first coined by The Nostalgia Chick in the "Ferngully" episode of The Nostalgia Critic, in which they did a duo review on (which is now on
A Big Lipped Alligator Moment refers to "the big lipped alligator scene from All Dogs Go To Heaven. This is named after the random musical number sung by a big lipped alligator towards the end of the film; a scene that comes right-the-fuck out of nowhere, has little to no bearing whatsoever in the plot, is way over the top in terms of ridiculousness (even in the context of the movie), and after it happens, no one ever speaks of it again."
However, in her All Dogs Go To Heaven review, The Nostalgia Chick was told several times the alligator does come back at the end. however, the song still counts as a BLAM because it is the only scene in which any of the characters acknowledge the gator's existence (bar a single line that Carface says during the end credits).
So this is the list of all those moments came out of nowhere in movies and TV specials. And no, I am not counting TV series because there are too many filler episodes in popular shows to be called a BLAM.
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