Beware the Moon : NWT Characters.
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Aenghus 'Jack' O'Callahan : Wolf, Leader of the Yellowknife pack. Formerly of Ireland, Jack came to NWT to help his brother's struggling company, Wolfhound Air, which he now runs. Turned Robbie in WWII, is an extremely close friend.

NOTE: Designed by Rizz.

NOTE: Designed by Rizz.


Characters in Beware the Moon played by others.
Caitriona Geraghty : Wolf, in a long-distance relationship with Jack. Hid her pregnancy to not hold him back from helping his brother. Has raised Eoghan for the past few years alone. Played by Rizz.

NOTE: Designed by Rizz.

NOTE: Designed by Rizz.
Robert 'Robbie' McClanahan : Wolf, turned in WWII by Jack. Formerly of England. Has a currently unrequited love for Colleen. Played by fishie.

A list of my characters, female and male, in my roleplay room Beware the Moon. It's set in the Northwest Territories of Canada, and it's centered around the leader of the local wolf pack's business, Wolfhound Air.