Actors I rather avoid
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Besides F&F... I just can't picture him in any other character and even in that movie he's so serious and hardly shows any emotion or facial expression. I definitely would avoid any movie that had him in first line as a main character.
Helen's rating:

He's gotten worse and worse as an actor or is just me? Not that I particularly liked him back in the old days but now it's quite unbareable to watch him act. Plus his persona gives me bad vibrations.
Helen's rating:

I don't know whether I am more annoyed at; Is it his plain and rather basic acting or the fact that he mainly gets roles that praise his physical attributes? I guess it makes sense but its annoying still.
Helen's rating:

Not that bad BUT not that good either. He's average and I don't get the reaction of some people over him.
Helen's rating:

He is supposed to be funny and in interviews he is but in movies... let me tell you I can only laugh 2 or 3 times at best.
Helen's rating:

Is he in another war or action movie because if he is I am going to hang myself. Do not come close to me.
Helen's rating:

Lately she's been improving her acting which is not a hard thing to do considering she sucks at it.
Helen's rating:

I used to like him until I grew tired of the same poor quality content that is only bareable for kids who can get easily impressed. That's it.
Helen's rating:

I don't see her much in movies but when I do I am reminded why I don't.
Helen's rating:

I love the mother of dragons but even then I could see she needed a bit of an improvement. I just cringe when I see her outside this character which is completely biased because I love the show.
Helen's rating:

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