Abysmal Sequels to Great Films
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The First Film
A brilliant and exciting action film, this film redefined what an action film can be.
garfield2710's rating:

The Sequel
This film is as unoriginal as anything I've ever seen. It literally feels like they had a checklist of what they felt should've been included and loosely connected them together.
garfield2710's rating:

The First Film
Jaws was a terrifying masterpiece, that scared several generations from going to the beach.
garfield2710's rating:

The Sequel
Jaws: The Revenge (1987)
This film, on the other hand, isn't scary at all. It's laughably incompetent, ludicrous, and often dull as a rock.
garfield2710's rating:

The First Film

The Sequel
Caddyshack II (1988)
The best I can say about Caddyshack II is that it's also consistent. It's consistently unfunny.
garfield2710's rating:

The First Film
Here we go. This was a film that was challenging to both kids and adults. It was beautifully animated, had a timeless story about the evolution of society that is relevant today, has wonderful characters, especially Mrs. Brisby, and has one of the best climaxes of any film.
garfield2710's rating:

The Sequel
And on the opposite end of the spectrum we have this piece of crap. A badly animated film that spits in the face of the characterizations of the first film, and is nowhere near as challenging as the first film was.
garfield2710's rating:

The First Film

The Sequel
Where to begin. Horrid visual effects, an awful story, a confused message, and actors who look like they're about to fall asleep.
garfield2710's rating:

The First Film

The Sequel

The First Film

The Sequel
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